Depression holds me hostage inside of myself,
(Just) like a monster
Waiting under my bed
To give me nightmares.
My thoughts race,
I am stuck.
My mouth is shut.
I am paralyzed with fear and anxiety
I cannot stop thinking.
I am confounded into this toxic cycle
Of hate and disquietude...
I want to so bad as to call out for help,
But no one can help me.
It is just me, waiting, quietly, completely silent for assistance.
I am baffled into a mess of my own brain.
I go into the bathroom, my meds in the cabinet, hoping, pleading that meds will make it all go away...
I take my meds, sitting, waiting.
Five minutes, nothing.
Ten minutes, nothing.
My thoughts race, faster than before, begging for some calm...
Then, it hits me.
PoetryDepressed and positive poems. Trigger warning though, some of them are about teenage depression and suicide.