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It has been almost 20 days since she married her. Both Prerna and Risabh had started to feel something for each other.

Mr. Bajaj, Prerna and kukki were having dinner in their room on the insistence of kukki.

Though she is 5 yr old, she is very intelligent like her father to understand something is wrong between her Priyu maa and Dad as they were not behaving nicely with each other.

So, our little kukki is playing cupid to her mom and dad.

"Priyu Mamma" Kukki called while Prerna was feeding her. "Hmm" Prena replied.

"Why dadda and u not talking? " Kukki inquired looking at both Prerna and Ribsabh.

"Because your mamma is stubborn as always and not listening to me" replied Rishabh.

Prena recalled the scene that happened yesterday. She was feeling very weak and tired and on top of it Anurag was misbehaving with her not caring about her health. She was about to faint when Mr. Bajaj held her and gave an earful to Anurag which almost resulted in a fight between the two and Prerna had to stop Mr. Bajaj.

Inside their room she scolded him for behaving immaturely to which he contradicted that she was not well and warned her to stay away from her beloved Anurag.

"Well the fight was because of Anurag" Prerna thought "But still he(Bajaj) shouldn't behave as a child, beating every third person. "

What they didn't realise that this was their first fight like a true husband and wife.

"Priyu Mamma" Kukki again called breaking Prerna out of her reverie.

"Kukki tell your dadda to stop irritating me" Prerna said.

"Okay Mamma" She took some food in her her and extended her hand to feed Prerna which brought tears in her eyes.

Mr. Bajaj smiled seeing his wife and kukki. Sometimes he felt jealous of kukki at how Prerna take cares of her. He wanted her to care for him.
"Stop it Rishabh, she doesn't care for you, she's here for kukki and her beloved Anurag" he chided himself .

Halfway through her food Prerna started feeling queasy and nauseous. She ran to the washroom and stated puking. She felt Mr. Bajaj holding her hair and rubbing her back.

"Mrs.Bajaj, we should visit a doctor, you are weak and nauseous from a few days" Rishabh stated.

"I am ..... " Prerna started only to be cut by Mr. Bajaj " No, you are not fine. We are visiting a doctor today" he said sternly but looking at her pale weak face his eyes softened and said softly "Prerna, please"

To which she looked into his eyes to see his care for her, she felt some unknown emotion in her and she nodded.

They are sitting at the doctor's cabin and listening to the doctor talking about doing some tests.

She took the blood test and then they went home.

It was evening when Prerna was resting in her room along with Kukki when someone knocked the door.

She disentangled herself from kukki and went to open the door.

Ramu kaka greeted her and handed her a courier that came in her name. She thanked him taking the parcel and closed the door of her room.

She opened the parcel and found her reports. "Oh it's my health reports. Let's see what's in it, I am sure it's nothing, Mr. Bajaj was worried for nothing " She muttered to herself.

Opening her reports she began reading slowly. Her eyes became wide and tears came to her eyes as she stared at the words

Pregnancy result :POSITIVE

Mr. Bajaj came from office and entered the room loosening his tie only to find Prerna with teary eyes looking at a stack of papers.

He stiffened in alarm and rushed towards her "Prerna, what's wrong? ".He looked down at the papers and realises it were her test reports. He feared that something had happened to her some disease and tears came to his eyes.

He cupped her face in his hand and asked again " Prerna, please say something, anything wrong with you "when she didn't replied he urged" Prerna.... "Only to be cut off at the middle.

" I am pregnant " she said softly not looking into his eyes fearing that she will see disgust for her .

He stilled hearing her and removed his hands from her face and took two steps backward.

"You what? " He asked again to confirm if what he had heard is correct.

"I am pregnant" She replied now looking into his eyes sharing a painful eyelock with him.

"Okay" He said and took her in his arms       " Everything will be fine, I am with you".

She was surprised at this man at how selfless he could be that he didn't question her about the pregnancy.

" Won't you ask me whose baby this is? Won't you ask me if I had cheated on you? "
Choking on her sobs she pleaded " Please believe me, Mr. Bajaj, I didn't...... "

"Shhhh..... Prerna"Mr.Bajaj consoled her
" You don't need to give me any explanation"

"You are my wife and I trust you, you can never cheat on me. Mr. Basu can be the baby's biological father but this is my baby" He said touching her stomach

"And we will go through this together" He said kissing her forehead.

That day Mr. Bajaj earned a special place in her heart.

Prerish FF :Against All OddsWhere stories live. Discover now