Chapter 7-Sophia

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Sophia's POV

"Jamie, where were you?" I demand. Jamie gives me a mock surprise look, but I can see fatigue and sadness in his face. Twigs and leaves are stuck in his hair.

"Trying to find your friend. And you're lucky I got there in time, who knows what could've happened." Jamie answers uneasily, like he has no idea what he’s saying.

"Where? The Amador Mansion?" I ask. This just keeps getting more complicated by the second. And it is not helping how Jamie takes nothing seriously.

"Yes, I mean, no. Well, technically yes...Wait, is this a trick question?" Jamie's brow furrows. I let out a scream of frustration.

"Jamie," William barks, "What happened?" Jamie seems to lose his humor and looks at both of us seriously.

"Let's just say, I saw some pretty scary shit go down in those woods." I have never heard Jamie swear so this must've have been something truly important. I soften my look and take his hand. I sit down on the couch and he copies my action. William remains standing stiffly.

"Jamie, can you tell us anything? Is Tori alright?" I ask softly. I don’t want to scare him, he seems confused enough already. Jamie shakes his head furiously.

"Yea, I looked through the window and she was sitting, talking to a man. And then, all I remember is hearing screams from the woods, going to investigate...and I blacked out. I think it was a way of protecting myself. Must've been something absolutely terrifying. I'm really sorry guys." He stares down at the floor.

"Wait, then how did you call William if you were blacked out?" I ask suspiciously. Jamie sighs.

"I woke up in a bush and made the mistake of looking at the girl's body." Tears well in Jamie's eyes. "It was was like someone just had a party with a...fricken chainsaw or something-" He interrupts himself by breaking into loud sobs. I hug him, let him cry into my shoulder. I feel like crying myself. William shuffles his feet then finally comes and hugs his brother as well. We just sit like that for about an hour, sniffling and crying.


 POV of the girl who got killed (if you couldn't figure that out)

Racing through the woods. Something- or someone- is chasing me, urging me to go faster. My legs go as fast as they can. I won't be able to outrun this thing, whatever it is. My tears stick to my face. What am I even doing here?  Whatever it is, it's making a lot of noise. I have a feeling I won't be able to outrun it. But I keep going, I won't give up without a fight. Steps can be heard from behind me. I barely can see two feet in front of me, the moon is my only guidance.

My legs give out from under me and I am ready to give up. I cry silently, waiting for my death. Nothing comes. I open my eyes to slits and look around. Nothing. Maybe I just imagined it all. I sit still, the muscles in my legs burning. I listen to the sounds of the woods. What am I even doing here? I shouldn't be outside. I slow my breathing, gather my bearings. I'm alone in the woods at night. A thought pings in my head:

I could run away.

From Amador. He was a horrible person anyway. He never paid any attention to me. I stand slowly, collecting my bearings. Then I hear it- the feverish breathing of a person who's been running just as much as me. I glance around. Two red eyes are staring at me from the darkness of the woods. I cannot see their face. I take a step forward. I hear what sounds like nails scratching bark. Something sinister is in these woods. The nails stop as I hear my name being chanted. Tina...Tina...Tina...Slow and mysteriously scary. I turn and take off running, but I know I will never escape. Something jumps me and sends me to the ground. I scream one shrill scream, hoping it will reach someone's ears. I never saw my attacker, but those red eyes are something I won't forget. I die staring into those eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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