Tell me you love me

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Coulson POV
We're in New York because Fitz requested we take a stop here for a bit before we make our way down to Costa Rica.
"Sir this is really important can we please?!" Fitz beggs
"Ugh fine!! 2 days!"
"Thanks so much!!"
I overhear Fitz telling Jemma to dress nice for tonight, oh gosh Fitz, did you really have me stop for a date? Honestly I truly can't understand him sometimes. He's just that kind of person I guess.
Fitz is a genius yet sometimes he acts like the biggest idiot ever!
At 7:05 Simmons comes down with this beautiful coral blue strapless dress on and my god does she look beautiful. Sequence lines the bottom of the dress, she looks stunning!
I look over at Fitz and he's so surprised. I can tell how much he loves her and I can just tell they will go the distance. I really hope they do, they have a type of chemistry that will never go away no matter what bumps they face. I can see a very successful marriage in the future.

Fits POV
Seeing Jemma walk over in that dress just takes my breath away. She is truly breath taking!
"Ready to go?" She asks
"Yup just one last thing."
I pull out a rose and I hand it to her.
I spent all day looking for the perfect rose and She looks at it and I can tell she's touched. Step one finished!
I reach out my hand and she grabs on, this will be a night I will never forget, I can already tell and we haven't even got off the plane yet.
I drag her to the car and we drive to the city. Hand in hand, hearts in sync.....

Simmons POV
I look around the city, it's so beautiful with all the lights, I can see why they call it the 'city that never sleeps.' I can tell that Fitz really wants this night to go well, for he's in tuxedo.
He looks quite dashing and extremely hot!
Fitz pulls the car over and parks, he gets out of the car and walks out and over to the passengers side and opens the door for me.
Oh what have I done to get treated this Nicely?
"For my lady" he says as he opens the door.
As we get in the restaurant I can immediately tell why he wanted me to dress up.
Everything looks so extravagant!
"I reserved a table for us, come on its outside."
He leads me to a table that over looks the view of the city and its so beautiful,
"Gosh Leo, this must have cost a fortune!"
"Don't worry about it, don't worry about anything tonight is all about you."
How can he make me feels so alive and free with just his words?
It's crazy how Much I'm love with him and this time I'm sure of it. We are greeted with some red wine and my god does it taste so good.
"Fitz you really didn't have to do this for me!" I insist
"Think of it as all of the dates we never got to have in one, fair?"
"Ugh fine!" I reply happily
But honestly it's a lot and it looks extremely expensive, oh Fitz, he's probably broke now!
The waiter serves me my favorite meal
"Fitz you remembered?! "
"I always remember everything about you Jemma!"
There he goes again, making me feel as if I'm still a teenager.
Dinner is amazing and so is desert, we share a piece of delicious chocolate cake, again my absolute favorite.
Leo looks out me with a mischievous glare in his eyes.
"What Fitz?!"
He then smears frosting all over my mouth
"Leopold Fitz!!"
"I'm so sorry Jemma, let me get that off for you" he smirks
Fitz stands up and grabs me by the hand and firmly pressed me against him. He kisses me and I am in heaven and I forget there is chocolate all over my face.
When we come up for air Leo smirks,
"Yes!" I happily reply and I kiss him more
"Jemma, look up."
Looking up, I see fireworks light up the sky.
"I requested them for you!"
I look at Fitz and he has such love in his eyes and I kiss him,
"Leo you didn't have to do this! But it's amazing!" A single tear falls from my eye.

Fitz POV
She kisses me and everything ever bad or disappointing just melts away.
She's so amused by the fire works, and from behind I wrap my arms around her waits.
She shivers which I think is rather adorable, and I kiss her on the nape of her neck.
This is my time to tell her how I feel.
Oh my god don't mess this up!
Here we go.
I take a deep breath and then the words slip out,
"Jemma, I love you."
Jemma whips around and kisses me, it's not a kiss to have me shut up, it's a passionate kiss.
"I'm not sure if it's too soon, but I really want you to know how I feel! You are the best thing that ever happened to me Jemma Simmons, I'm so in love with you I can't even see straight. I'm so in love with you... More than you know." I finish
Taking a deep breath I can see tears come to her eyes
"I love you too Leopold Fitz! I always have and I always will"
Did she really say that or am I just dreaming.
There we are, on the roof of an extremely beautiful building with an extremely beautiful view with an extremely beautiful girl who just told me that she loved me, I must be a really lucky man.
I kiss her and she kisses me back but this kiss, is a kiss of pure love and it's so beautiful.
"I love you so much, it feels right to say" Jemma chocks out, "but you know you could have said this to me in a mud puddle and I still would have enjoyed it,"
"Yeah but I wanted it to be special!" I sigh,
Im a hopeless romantic.... Ohh the things we do for love.
As I said I would sweep her off of her feet and I don't just mean it figuratively... I grab her and held her like a princess because she is my princess.
"Where are we going?"
"The hotel silly, you didn't think I would just cut it short did you?" I say
I spin her around and I watch as her hair flows in the wind and I put her back down
"I love you so much" she says
"Well I wanted to sweep you off your feet so part 2 completed"

Simmons POV
I told fitz I loved him and its 100% true and I'm so glad he knows my true feelings now.
As we walk towards the hotel a million thoughts race through my mind,
Shit are we gonna have sex now?
I'm so inexperienced!!
What if he doesn't like it?
What if I can't do it?
What if he doesn't think we will have sex?
What if I make a move and her rejects me?
Ughhhh I can't do this.
Walking in the hotel I immediately notice the decor. The whole hotel has no lights on except for the decoration Christmas lights hanging from the ceilings and the ones ligned up on the walls. Wow it's so beautiful!
"I know how much you love Christmas lights so I found the one hotel whose lobby is filled with lights."
"Leopold fitz, how do you make me love you so much?!" I ask
If you listen closely you can hear a small violin music that fills the room. Everything is so beautiful and my heart is racing.
Is this what true love feels like?
Every doubt goes away and I know I want to be with Fitz... Forever
As we head for the elevator I ask "what floor?"
"Yeah, your favorite number!" He smiles, "by the way why is it your favorite number?"
I can literally feel my face getting extremely flushed, and I start playing with his bow tie
"Um... Well.... It's my favorite number.... Because.... That's how old I was when you and I got together." I say super embarrassed
Fitz lifts my chin up with his finger and presses his lips against mine,
"That is the best reason ever" he smiles
"You mean the world to me Leo!"
"And you mean the world to me" he replies
Fitz unlocks the room and I run up and fling myself in the bed. Old habits die hard.
Leo takes off his jacket and starts running for me, I'm quick to dodge, but he still manages to get ahold of me.
He grabs me and pulls me closer and both of us are having the best time.
"Jemma, you should know you can't escape that easily!" He laughs
"Well, why would I want to escape from you?" I smirk
I pull Leo in closer and I kiss him and I bite his lip
"Damn Jemma! Getting aggressive are we?" He laughs

Fitz POV
I'm surprised that Jemma is being this way but to be honest, it very intriguing and I continue to let it happen.
"Jemma, you know I have to punish you for being so bad!" I joke
"I'm so sorry, is there anyway I could make it up to you?" She asks while biting her lip
"I can think of one!" I smirk
I grab Jemma and pull he closer and we spare no time.
Can I just say I think it's hilarious how we just quoted a classic porno!
Oh Jemma!!
Surprisingly Jemma is really good when making out, for some odd reason she can go longer than the average time without breathing and it's honestly quite terrific because we can just go all night.
Jemma unbuttons my shirt and continues to kiss me.
"I've been waiting forever for this" Jemma smirks
We are very quick to remove unnecessary clothing to complete the deed.
After many beautiful minutes I am tired but Jemma of course being the wild animal she is insists we go for another round.
She is going to kill me!!
Now I'm officially drained and Jemma speaks up
"Leo!!! Your a god!!" She laughs
"And your a goddess!"
"Fitz, I will never forget this magical night!"
"And neither will I!"
She does this cute thing where she squirms before she gets comfortable and she squirms right up to me and kisses me
"Goodnight mí amor!"
"Goodnight darling!
She falls asleep hugging me and my god, today has been the best day ever.

A/N: I really liked this chapter it was adorable. Hope you guys liked it! LYSM!

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