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you waited for him to respond but he didn't, this is what you guessed, he doesn't love you like you did. You turned around to walkaway but he held wrist and without any second, he pressed his lips against yours making your eyes go wide.

It didn't take you so long to respond but your heart was beating so loudly. Both of your heart beats were beating the sound of the rain. He pulled away and rested his forehead on yours, you looked at his eyes glistening with tears.

He smiled at you, "I love you too, dumbass" you both chuckled.

He straightened his position, "Will you be the guide of my life?" You frowned at his request, "What?" He held both your hands, "I don't want you to be my girlfriend, but you are, I want you to guide me in my life, all my life...

..just like how you changed me from that dilapidated condition, I want you to be there in my life forever and change everything and anything that's going to happen... You're mine Y/N, my life guider"

You looked at his eyes, "ofcourse I will" He chuckled, "I will be there for you all the time but don't call me in tue middle of the night" he rolled his eyes.

You sneezed, "shit! You caught cold" you looked at him, "let's get you home first" you nodded and you both started to walk. And then you remembered about your best friend hiding behind the bush and probably saw all of these.

You turned and shot a glance at the bush were Sunghoon was hiding in, he was standing there now and waved his phone and was grinning wickedly.

This bitch.

You rolled your eyes and gave a thumbs-up to him. You turned around and made your way to your home.

"Take care" you hugged Heesung, you gave him one of your plain oversized hoodie to him and your cousin's sweatpant, who will stay at your house during holidays. "Bye" you waved and went inside your pin-drop silence house.

You called Sunghoon who came in a minute after your call.

He came and stood infront of you while smiling creepily, you glanced at him and then at the TV, "Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?" You frowned at him. "You know that I recorded everything right?" He sat next to you, "yeah?" He played the video, you glared at him but anyway watched with him.

"Isn't that your first kiss?" You looked at him dead, "ofcourse! I'm not a hoe like you sunghoon" You defended yourself, "I got scared when he stood there deadass, like I betted my dick for your life!"

He said replaying the scene again and again. You rolled your eyes, "due stop that, it's not even funny!" You yelled at him trying to snatch his phone. "But doesn't this look like an cliché scene from an anime or a drama?" he held the phone higher.

"it is, plus Y/N is not in the single gang anymore" he sang and your smile dropped, "atleast I have heeseung" you flipped your hair back.

He looked at you, "hey, don't you ever leave me! I'll kill you!" You laughed and hugged him, "how can I? You even betted your dick for my life" he pulled away and laughed and then you both were rolling on the floor laughing.


"I'm the godfather, right?"

"boy if you don't shut up—"

━━━ ぬ  ━━━

: A/N :

for re-readers, yes, I deleted the last chapter and for new-readers, I'm sorry but I'm ending it here. hope you enjoyed <3

dilapidated    l. heeseung Where stories live. Discover now