rain rain go away

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  "Your parents are not fetching you unnie?" Katana asked Sooyeon and she nodded. 3racha had a business meeting, Minho and Felix were out on a mission, Hyunjin was meeting with his old gang, Seungmin and Jeongin had school.

  "Where's Ms Kira? I haven't seen her today." Sooyeon asked.

  "Vice principal course. She's gonna be a vice principal soon." Katana told Sooyeon. They sat down at the shelter at the front of their school.

  "Maybe we can run to the nearest convince store and buy an umbrella?" Sooyeon suggested.

  "It's worth a try."


  "That wasn't a bad idea after all." Katana commented, instead of going to her place right away they decided to stop by Go Live cafe to buy some snacks.

  "I'll pay for the snacks, pick whatever you want." the older told the younger and she did so.

  Sooyeon went up to the counter to pay when the manager recognized her as Jisung's daughter. "Miss Lee, you know you don't need to pay right?" the manager said, it was true, Sooyeon doesn't need to pay but she does so every time.

  "If i don't pay, your salaries might not get higher so let me pay to help you." Sooyeon said, this is why all the staff in 3racha like about her.

If y'all are wondering,  3racha is a company in this book. It's run by 3 people aka the members of 3rcaha. The company does many things, they have an entertainment company, a bank of their own, many hotels, malls, stores and cafes. The members of 3racha run the things they started.

  "Let's go to my place Unnie!" Katana held Sooyeon's hand and they went to her apartment. The rain had then stopped already.

  "Kat, where were you?! Oh, Hi Sooyeon." Kira said as they entered the apartment.

  "We stopped by a cafe before coming back home." Katana told Kira.

  "Your dad fine with you coming here?" Kira asked Sooyeon and she nodded. Katana then dragged Sooyeon into her room and they started talking.

  "So you have no mum?" Katana asked.

  "Well yea. She died when i was born. How about you? You don't have a dad?" Sooyeon questioned back.

  "Mum won't tell me anything so I'm guessing it isn't something good." Katana told Sooyeon. They continued chatting for sometime and then decided to do some homework.

  "Kat what's your address? My dad wants to pick me up." Sooyeon asked Katana. Katana also didn't know her own address so they went to ask Kira.

  "Your dad is picking you up? Our address is *******." Kira told the eight year old and she messaged it to her dad.


  "Hey, I'm here to pick up-" Jisung stopped talking when he saw who was infront of him.

  "Wait... Han?" Kira was shocked, it had been sometime since the incident.

  "Come in." Kira welcomed Jisung in. The two adults stood there awkwardly.

  "Dad! You're here. I need to find my notebook first. We were playing hide the object." Sooyeon came out to tell Jisung that and ran back into the room.

  "Um... Do you want anything to drink?" Kira tried to break the silence.

  "Anything is fine." Jisung replied and awakard silence filled the living room again with occasional shouting from the girls in the room.

  They then took a seat at the sofa hoping things would become less awkward.

  "Oh um, you can call me Jisung." Jisung told his name to Kira.

  "How's life?" Jisung tried to start a conversation.

  "Pretty ok guess. I got a job in the school really fast and now I'm taking a course to become a vice principal." Kira told Jisung. "How about you?"

  "Nothing that intresting." Awkward silence started filling the room again.

  "Do you think they know each other?" Katana whispered to Sooyeon and she nodded.

  "They're too awkward. They must've met before." Sooyeon replied. The two kids started discussing about the ways their parents could have met before.

  "I'll ask one of my uncles. They might know something." Sooyeon suggested.

  The two adults finally started a bit awkward conversation about some random things. After awhile they left Kira and Katana's place.

  "You know who's Ms Kira?" Sooyeon asked Jisung and he nodded and that was all she could get from him

I'm back!

Will try to update more. The keyword is try. It might not happen...

Sorry that this chapter is kinda all over the place...

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