Chapter 1

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Hollowswood Highschool, 4:50 AM...

The principal turned on the announcement speaker so that everyone in the school hears the announcement.

Announcement: Good morning everyone. We will be having 12 exchange students. I know it's a lot, but there shouldn't be any problem. If they cause problems, please report them immediately. That is all. Thank you.

(Meanwhile, with Kacira and her bully friends...)

Kacira: "Omg! I hope the new students are like, hot AF!"

Marilynn: "Don't worry about that Heshiko freak. She won't take any of them away. I mean, who would be friends with an ugly girl who wears a hood all the time? AHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Daisy: "That is so true! Even if she has the prettiest and hottest friends, she'll never be friends with the other hotties!"

Kacira: "I know right? Who's gonna be friends with an ugly loser like her? Not me of course!"

Kacira and her friends continued laughing and gossiping about how ugly and what a loser Heshiko was, obviously talking behind her back, not that they were friends with her.


(Meanwhile with Heshiko and her friends...)

Heshiko: "Th-That m-many e-exch-change s-students?!?!? B-B-But... Wh-what i-if th-they're f-fake l-like K-Kacira? O-Or what if th-they're a p-player like D-Daisy? O-Or m-mean like A-Aishoko..? O-Or manipulative like Kacira? Wh-What if-"

Blythia: "Chill Shiko! If they are, then I'll beat their ass up!"

Arisha: "And while she beats the crap out of them, I'll report them to the principal.":>

Heshiko: "Th-Thanks guys..."

Aisha: "Anything for you!" ^w^

Blythia: "Okay, let's talk about something else now. What's your first period? I have Chemistry! My favorite subject!" :D

Aisha: "Lucky... I have Math. ;-; The subject I struggle with the most." ;-;

Arisha: "It's okay Aisha, I have math too, so I can help you with that."

Aisha: "Really? Thanks! You're the best, sis!"

Arisha: "No problem. What class do you have, Sadie?"

Sadie: "Ugh, music. The teacher literally hates me for some dang reason."

Rishaki: "I have History. ;-; Like, we already know the basics, do we really need to learn the legitimate details? WE ONLY NEED TO LEARN IT SO WE DON'T REPEAT THE DANK HISTORY- Why do we have to learn all the flipping details- ;-;"

Sadie: "Hahahaha, loser. I don't have history on my schedule today, so hahah!"

Rishaki: "Well at least I have a music teacher who doesn't hate me! Oh wait, we have the same teacher so- HAHAH!"

Sadie: "Meanie."

Rishaki: "Same goes for you, Sadie."

Aishuzo: "Cut it out guys! Geez. Anyways, I have P.E. Why? ;-; I hate P.E.- The only sports I like are Tennis and Archery. ;-;"

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