Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

As Ty and Amy got to the Ranch House he could tell that she was not looking good and helped her down off Shadow just as Lyndy came flying out the door. They got her to sit down in one of the chairs on the Porch and Lyndy went and got her a drink of water.
"She's not bleeding as bad but I think she's suffering from shock Ms Lyndy "
"Thank you Ty, and please just call me Lyndy ".
Just then they heard the Ambulance coming down the drive.

Meanwhile Duke had found where the shooter had been standing behind some bushes including a Shell casing on the floor. He made a mental note of where so he could show the Detective.
Duke had done a lot of tracking in his lifetime as he did a lot of Hunting and didn't really matter if it was Animals or a human. He found the direction and urged the men to find the shooter, everyone took off in pairs equally spaced out incase the shooter deveated left or right. Duke stayed on Track following the tracks they left behind.

Lyndy went with Amy and asked Ty to follow in his truck. She new they liked each other and he had certainly been trying to look after her.
The Medics confirmed Ty's observation that Amy was going into shock and gave her something to calm her down, the bleeding had all but stopped but the medics were hoping it was not Internal. Going by her blood pressure it was stable.

Duke felt he was gaining on there suspect when he heard a Rifle shot and then two returning shots which must of been his men.
Duke got a call to say they were fine but now had him in sight. He called back telling them to wound his leg if they are unable to catch him or it becomes to dangerous to themselves.
It's quite obvious he doesn't want to be captured.

The Ambulance arrived at the Hospital and Amy was rushed straight in so they could assess her injury. She was taken for scans and an Ultrasound to see what damage the bullet had done .

Duke knew he was almost on top of there suspect when he heard more shots fired but this time it sounded more like a fire fight until it suddenly went quiet. Duke got a call to say they had him and everyone was okay except for the suspect who had taken two rounds, one in the leg and one in his shoulder.

The Blue doors opened and a Doctor was looking round the waiting room when he saw Lyndy, he was the doctor who saw Amy the first time.
He asked Lyndy to follow him and she called Ty to follow her as she knew he was worried.
They both took a seat and the doctor pulled Amy's file in front of him.
" Well I really didn't expect to see Amy back here, but you'll be pleased to know that she is okay, the bullet went straight through and missed her Lung and any major blood vessels. The main thing was Shock so we have her on mild sedatives to keep her calm. We will keep her in overnight for observation and if everything goes alright you can pick her up about 10am tomorrow".
They both sighed with relief and grateful that Amy was okay.
"You can go and see her but she may be a little drowsy, shes in room 203".
They both thanked the Doctor and went to see her.

Duke and his men had done some first aid on the shooter and tied his hands up behind him.
"Right let's get your sorry arse back to the Ranch House where someone's waiting to see you", said Duke.
They got him on a horse and ponied him back, the rider who was on the horse doubled up with one of the others.
When they got back Detective Harris was waiting for them.
"Well you tried to do your own dirty work then Mr Werth, thank god your a lousy shot, How's his wounds Duke ".
"Compared to Amy's his are flesh wounds, here let's get you down off that horse".
As Duke help him down he accidentally on purpose pressed into his shoulder causing JD Werth to scream out.
"Oh, sorry Mr Scumbag I thought it was your other shoulder , here you go Detective Harris, he's all yours and here's his Rifle".

Back at the Hospital, Lyndy and Ty quietly entered Amy's room and both sat down on each side of her bed and took a hold of a hand each at the same time, Lyndy quietly giggled as she noticed the timing of what they did, Amy was asleep and they both waited for her to wake up. They were both gently rubbing a thumb each over the top of each hand as Amy started to wake up, she smiled at them both, "what's this, synchronised hand holding and rubbing she laughed".
She saw Ty blush and she got those butterflies in her belly again which was the second time.
"How are you feeling sweetheart ".
"I'm okay amazingly grandma, in a bit of pain though".
"I'm glad your laughing Amy, I was so worried when I saw you slump forward, thankfully he was a terrible shot".
"Well I'm okay Ty, thank you once again for looking after me".
"Any time".
And Ty blushed again.
Amy thought how sweet he was and willing to help, there was definitely a connection between them.
This was something so new to her and he was nothing like her last two boyfriends if she could call them that.
Eventually it was time for them to go home, Lyndy gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek.
"I'll see you tomorrow when Ty brings you home".
Amy was surprised that Lyndy had volunteered Ty without asking him, 'what's she up to' she thought.
As they went to leave she asked Ty if she could have a word with him. Lyndy said she'd wait for him in the waiting room.
"What do you want to say Amy ".
As he got closer she thought she'd have to make the first move as he seemed a little shy to do it. If he pulled back then it wasn't what she thought.
Amy took hold of his shirt and pulled him down to her and kissed him, much to her surprise he deepened the kiss from light to passionate, eventually they needed that thing called oxygen.
"Wow, that was a real toe curler Ty, I've wanted to do that for a long time".
"So have I, but I wasn't sure whether too or not especially as your Lyndys Granddaughter ".
"Well I think she knows we like each other anyway, I mean she's always giving me a wink when you come in the kitchen and she volunteered you to pick me up tomorrow".
They both laughed, then Ty said he'd see her tomorrow, as he was about to go, "Ty how about a kiss goodnight ".
"Oh I can definitely do that, come ere".

To be continued

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