Chapter 6

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That peaceful nap was soon rudely interupted.
"Hey Hey! Umm... Ariana could you please move over a bit, we're gonna play some video games" said Robbie holding up a video game and a game controler.
"Sure" I mummbled as I sat up and moved over a bit, "So what are you guys playing?" They all gave me confused looks.
"What?" I asked.
"You play video games?" asked Alex with a small chuckle.
"Well no not exactally, but when I was younger my brother had a bunch of video games and he would make me play" I giggled a bit remembering how mad Frankie would get when ever I beat him in any game. He thought boys were so much better than girls, so when ever I beat him he thought I cheated and had a major break down.
They laughed.
"What's so funny?" I crossed my arms across my chest.
"It's just that you playing video games? Aren't you scared you'll break a nail" said Robbie.
"Shut up. How about we make a bet?" I smirked.
They stared at eachother for a second.
"Ok" said Felix.
"Whats happens if we lose?" asked Alex.
"I get to give you guys hair cuts" I smiled. "Cause you seriously need one..." I mummbled.
They rolled their eyes.
"Wait umm..." said Felix.
"Hush Felix" siad Alex.
"Ok then. And if we win you have to come hunting with us tomorrow" smirked Alex.
I thought for a minute.
"Ok. Deal." I finally said.
Alex and I shook on it. We gave each other nasty looks and laughed.
"Your going down" Alex said.
I rolled my eyes.
I sat down on the couch. Robbie sat to the right of me and Alex sat to the left of me.
"So what game are we gonna play?" asked Felix shuffling through a box of video games.
"Make sure it's an easy game" said Robbie, "we have a girl playing."
"Shut up Robbie!" I playfully punched him in the arm. He laughed.
"How about Mario Kart 8" asked Felix.
Robbie and Alex turned around and stared at me.
"Is that going to be to challenging for you Ariana?" smirked Alex.
"Of course not" I gave him a straight face.
"Ok then let's get this started" said Felix with a grin on his face as he started the game.

We played for about 40 minutes.
We put down our controllers and I laid back.
"Well Ariana looks like your going hunting tomorrow" laughed Alex.
"Be careful not to break one of your precious nails" said Felix.
I looked at my nails. Why did I have to get such long nails.
"Yeah, also don't get any bugs
in your hair" said Robbie as he messed with my hair. I whacked away his hand.
"Shut up! I wasn't trying, I let you guys win" I said sarcastically.
"Sure" laughed Felix. I rolled my eyes.
"You might wanna go to bed, you have a long day ahead of you...." said Robbie. I looked at him for a minute. He was up to something...
"Whatever" I said as I got up and walked into my room.
I put my hair into a messy bun and laid down in the bed. I was kind of scared for tomorrow. What are they up to? Are they gonna put bugs in my hair? Are they gonna push me into a puddle of mud? Whatever they were up to I had to be prepared and show them that I'm more clever then they are.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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