Chapter 1

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It was a basic school day . I woke up at 5 am . Got dressed , made some food for breakfast and the rest of the day, and packed my stuff for school. After all that I sat back down on my bed, eating my PBJ sandwich. I looked at the clock. It was only 6 am and school started at 7:30 . I didn't know what to do. I finished my breakfast, grabbed my stuff, and walked downstairs and out of the front door.

There was barely anyone on the street, everything was quiet. I decided to make my way to the nearby park to sit around. As I approached the park I noticed that like everywhere else, no one was there. Maybe just a few people here and there, but I didn't know them, so I didn't think much of them. I walked to a bench that had a great view of the little lake in the middle of the park, surrounded by huge trees, bushes, and many, beautiful flowers.

I sat there, enjoying the view, until someone familiar approached me. A short, muscular silhouette of a man got closer and closer every second. I could barely make out who it was, but as he got even closer I realized who it was. The popular boy from my school. Griff.

"Ace! Surprised seeing you here," he said, as he approached the space on the bench next to me. He sat down, leaning back and lighting a cigarette "What are you doing here this early in the morning?"

"I could ask the same from you" I grimaced, moving away from him. I didn't like him. He's mean to me in school, always picking on me with his friends and stuff... 

"Oh well uh... I got up very early today for some reason, didn't know what to do so I thought I'd go for a walk. Ended up here." he exhaled a large cloud of smoke. I tried to shoo the smoke away from my face because it bothered me a lot. "And you?" As he asked I tried to recall what I did in the morning...

"Uhm... I think same here. I usually wake up at 5 to make sure I have time to get ready. I finished with my stuff pretty early so I went for a walk... You don't seem like a guy who would go for ... walks." I explained. He raised his eyebrow and inhaled his cigarette. "Yeah, I usually go around places in my car. I guess today is different" he then exhaled another huge cloud of smoke directly into my face and got up. I started choking on the smoke and I couldn't stop coughing to which he chuckled. "Well! Nice seeing you here, jerk. Want a ride?" I quickly looked up at him, unable to think or breathe at the suggestion "Huh- I mean yeah su-" He laughed up loudly, his weird mismatching eyes piercing through me "It was a joke, idiot! I'd never want you near my expensive ass car. See you at school." He then walked away, still laughing at his joke.

What a jerk! I hate him so much. Why can't he be just nice for once? I thought he'd keep the attitude he showed when he arrived here...I looked at my phone to check the time and it was already 6:50. I got up, grabbed my backpack, and walked out of the park, heading to school.

School wasn't far away, around 20 minutes from my house. It would be much faster with a car, but I can't drive, and since my parents moved away I can't rely on them either. As I was getting close to the school I saw a crimson-red vintage car rapidly approaching the building from the right side of me. I froze, not knowing what to do as the car got closer and closer, then I realized! Oh shit, that's... Griff! I looked around and quickly ran out of the way of the car. He speeded off next to me, like six feet further than I was standing. I thought he was about to hit me...! I could hear the car stopping as the tires would make a loud screeching sound, and the next second I saw the guy from earlier hopping out of the car, giggling as he approached a group of boys in front of the school entrance.

I watched as they fist-bumped each other and walked inside. After a few minutes, I decided to walk to the school entrance, making sure they already left to go to their class. Or somewhere else, they barely go to any classes yet they still get away with it somehow. I entered the school and headed to the corridors where my locker was located. I approached my locker, put my backpack in the locker, grabbed my stuff for class, slammed my locker closed, and headed to the classroom, completely ignoring everyone around me. No one likes me or finds me amusing here, and I'm fine with it. I don't need these jerks in my life, and they don't need me in theirs either.

Just successfully survive the day and go home.

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