Chapter 4.

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"WE'RE HERE!" I yell. I pulled an all nighter for this! "OMFG ARE WE NEAR THE HOUSE?" Kiana yells. Ouch my ears...

"Yeah it's over there!" I say pointing to a huge house, across from a mansion, and actual mansion... "It's. Huge. Hey can you go meet the neighbors? I have to call Sarah!" Kia asks "yeah sure" I sigh. I want her to do it with me but, she has to call Sarah or she won't know when to come.

"Hold on let me change" I say quickly, what if there are cute guys in that house? "Shut up I'm on the phone!" Kia giggles. I flip her off and change into a sweater type thing and some ripped cut off shorts, I pull my strawberry blonde hair to both sides of my shoulders and put on my gray Vans.

I walk over to the house, and ring the doorbell. *doorbell noise* I hear shouting coming from the house an back up a bit, trying to keep the smile plastered on my face. "Sorry about that" a guy with beautiful hazel eyes and brown hair says "you're totally fine, I just wanted to come over and say hi! I'm one of your new neighbors" I smile, for real.. I think I'm blushing.. I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks.
"Do you want to come in?" He asks, I never noticed it before but he has an accent! He's Canadian! "Sure, I'd love to" I mindlessly blush..

Damn my cheeks and their need to flush every time he smiles or says anything!

"My name is Mitch by the way" he adds, chuckling.. "Oh.. My name is Angel." I smile. "Are you a YouTuber? I feel like I've heard your voice from somewhere." He says running into a wall "oh god are you ok?" I frown "yeah" Mitch laughs "and to answer your question, I am! Ever heard of TheATeam?" I say, still laughing "I have, I watch you. I'm BajanCanadian" Mitch smiles, I blush.

{Time skip}
"Hey guys come down!" Mitch yells, my ears get no peace! "COMING" a loud voice booms.. Once that happens guys start coming down the stairs. Oh my sweet heaven... Kiana is going to have a field day... "Hey I'm Ian, a guy greets" "I'm Angel, nice to meet you"
"I'm Adam!"
"I'm Jason"
"Hiya Jason"
"I'm Ty"
"Hi Ty"
"Jerome, nice to meet you"
"Angel, nice to meet you too Jerome"
"I'm Quentin"
"You've met me."
"Yes I have Mitch"

Once that little meet and greet is over the guys ask me questions. Oh boy. Here we go..

"So are you Mitch's girlfriend?" Ian asks, Mitch nudges him and gives him the 'notyetbutsoontobe' look "no I actually just moved here." I blush "really? You bought the house across the street?" Ty asks "yeah why?" I frown, confused "oh he was just asking, there's nothing wrong with it.. We just haven't had a neighbor like you.." Mitch says "I'm not the only one" I giggle "THERES ANOTHER ONE?" Jerome jumps. I just sit there and laugh my ass off.

"Yeah there's "another one" I can go get her if you want me to" I laugh "PLEASE" goes around the room. Except for Mitch "hey can I go with you?" He asks "sure, LEZ go!" I laugh

We walk across the quiet street and knock on the door. Kia opens it and eyes Mitch. I give her the 'he'smineKiabackoff' look and she stops .. Thank god.. "So what's up?" She asks "well I'm in a house full of guys by myself.." I sing "HOLD ON IM COMING" she yells running through the house and up the stairs. Mitch and I laugh. "That's Kiana" I say through the laughing fit I'm having "Jerome will love her.. But so will everyone else who doesn't have a girlfriend" Mitch laughs

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask, quickly slapping a hand to my mouth.. That was personal. I've ruined it..
"I don't actually" he winks.. "You have a boyfriend?"

"I don't actually" Angel mimics still laughing. I can't believe it. She's perfect and she doesn't have a boyfriend.... I need to fix that... But later. Now we need to get to know each other first..

"Hey we are having a pool night tonight.. Do you guys want to come?" I ask "well I'm all for it" Kiana says "I'm in" Angel smiles "Hey Angel you go ahead I need to talk to um- him for a minute" Kiana says "um ok.." Angel frowns and heads towards the team house. What does this girl want?

"Look, I know what you want to do" Kiana hisses "and what is that?" I Fire back "if you plan on dating her than know this, the last time she dated, Angel doesn't really count it but, she ended up heartbroken.. If you hurt her in any way, I will hurt you! Not to mention our other friends." Kiana spits, then walks away, towards the team house..

{pool time skip}
"We are going to go get our swim suits" Kiana smiles, she and the guys are really hitting it off. "Be right back" I smile too. We head back to our house and find our swimsuits. Kia grabs her blue and white striped two piece and I grab my white with tiny stars and deep blue bottoms.

We change into our suits and grab our cover ups. "This is going to be so much fun! I haven't been swimming in 4 days!" I laugh "I know, we both haven't" Kia laughs with me. "We're here" I knock the guys don't answer, but I hear whispering coming from the gate where the pool is. I nod my head towards the gate and we creep over.

"How can you like her already Mitch? She's only been here for a day!" Jerome mutters "I can say the same thing about you and Kiana now I heard I knock which means they're here, and to answer your question, I just know, I know she's the one. My heart hasn't been wrong except for that one time." Mitch mutters "that was the only time idiot!" Jerome says but heads for the door "he just doesn't understand how I feel about her.. I know she's the one.. I know it" I hear Mitch whisper as we leave to go back to the front door... Mitch likes me.. Wow

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