"Dad can you please help me with my homework!?" you yelled hoping your dad will arrive. "OK what homework sweetly?" your father said while walking into your room, "Your favorite, Math"
"Ok let's get this over with what question?" you pointed at the answer your dad helped you pretty much with everything. "Sir miss Pepper wants you in the kitchen to help her with din-"
"Yea, yea, yae I'll help her in a minute" Dad said while he interrupted Jarvis."Thanks dad" "Your welcome swetty." he said while walking out of your room to help your stepmother
You both walked to the kitchen still busy talking with each other when you went to the kitchen to get a quick snack to eat. " Uh uh Young lady dinner is almost ready don't eat any snacks now or you won't eat all your food."
"Oh sorry mom I didn't know you were going to cook dinner so fast, sorry" you said while putting away your apple.
"Umm mom where is mister Stark?" Peter asked while having a worried tone in his voice nut you didn't really care he is always late to dinner.
"There was a Loki problem he said while running to put on his suit and then left,he has been gone for a while tho."
You went to go look at the beautiful view when you saw dad's team, "Mom I think dad is home but he brought friends over for dinner!" you said while walking to the door
"Oh Hunny can you open the door for them while I'm busy setting the table and when your done get your father to help me with dinner again." as Pepper said that you went to open the door but you saw the had something
Yoou didn't really care at first sight but when the got closer you started to get more interested on what they had brought maybe a present for all of us what could it be your hopes got up but when they almost busted in the house you saw what the had in their hands you couldn't believe what you saw. You felt a little suck but you could handel it.
"We need to get Tony to his lab or he'll Die!" as you heard those words from Uncle Bruce you velt a little light headed then al of the sudden it was pitch black.
You finally woke up again and suddenly felt someone hugging you tightly, you turned around to see that it was Peter," What happend Peter?" you asked him while he was letting you out of the hug. "You blacked out when mister Stark got home." You suddenly remembered what had happen, "Where is he!?" you said while gripping on Peter's shoulders, "He is in his lab working." when he said that you got up and went ourlt if your room. "But quick hint Thor is in the lab as well." he said teasing you while you walked out, he us the only person who knows you like Thor.
"Ok thanks for the hint you dip shit" you said while with a smirk on your face. You finally to to the lab and couldn't believe what you saw
It was Steve and dad fighting, you tried to stop them but got pushed away by Steve. Natasha helped you up but the next moment you got up there was a ringing notice in your ear. You looked around and saw everyone laying on the flour
"(Y/N) are you alright!" you heard Pepper scream while running down the stares you saw her but then black when she got in the lab.I hope you guys enjoyed it I'll try and upload frequently but have a good night or afternoon
Thanks for reading Bye!

[DISCONTINUED] Is it forever? (Thor x Reader)
ActionThis is manly the story of my character's pat and how she got her powers but it's also a fun story so hope you enjoy it it is my first ever book so expect mistakes but correct my.