9- Sunset

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Sooooooo, I'm back :) I thought I finished this but I got loads more ideas so get ready for more chapters :D

You had a massive crush on Loki. You wanted to deny it but you couldn't, not from Peter anyway. He was your best friend and you trusted him with all of your secrets which, most of the time, didn't work out. He promised he was going to keep this one though.

"I just don't get it, Y/N," Peter started and you rolled your eyes because of the countless times that you've already had this conversation with him. "If I liked someone, I would tell them and I mean, even if they WOULD reject I'll still be happy that I actually told them." You looked at him in annoyance. "I mean, I don't mean that Mr. Loki will reject you I was just saying that I would actually have the guts to tell them. I mean I'm not saying that you don't have guts- I mean of course you have guts I was just saying t-"

"Stop. Talking. Please." You put your finger to his mouth.

"Good idea." He said, genuinely looking scared because of what you might to do to him. You rolled your eyes and gestured for Peter to look behind him. As he turned around, you looked at Loki walking past with a book in his hand. You smiled at him and, when he smiled back, you could feel the butterflies in your stomach as you always could when he looked at you. Your staring was interrupted by a hard elbow in your stomach. "Your staring again."


You were staring at Loki. It was so obvious, literally anyone could see that you liked him. He was in Stark's library, as usual, but you just loved to watch him read. When he read, he had a peaceful expression on his face that he never had when he was with everyone else. You watched his beautiful blue-green eyes skipped across the page, scanning every letter in every word. As he neared the end of the page, he slowly raised his hand up to the top of the book and start reading another page. Every time he read, he would mumble the words under his breath, loud enough only for him to hear, but, every time, you could just about make out the words he was whispering. You watched as the sun rays danced on his face from the branches of the trees outside.

"Enjoying the view?" You heard a smug voice from behind you. Your heart dropped when the illusion you were watching faded away into green and gold dust. You picked up your book and turned around to see the raven-haired god smirking at you. He laughed at your seriousness like he usually did, but his incredible laugh always put you in a better mood so it was ok.

"Very funny." You said, trying to hide your blush. Loki looked at the book that you had shifted from one hand to the other.

"What are you reading?" He asked.

"Shakespeare," you started, annoyed because he seemed more interested in the book than in you. "He's- well he was a British author and he wrote plays for Queen Elizabeth I." You were glad that you at least got his attention for once.

"Anywayyyy, I'm gonna go now 'cause Peter's waiting for me-" When you tried to walk past him, he put both of his hands around your waist to hold you in place. You looked at him and raised your eyebrows. "Can I please go?"

"Not until you tell me what you were really doing here, Y/N." He glared down at you and suddenly you felt all of your power leaving your body.

"W-what do you m-mean?" You hated yourself for being so awkward around him. When he raised his eyebrow at you, you knew that he may be aware of your crush. "Fine." You hesitated before speaking again. "Look, I like you Loki, and I know that you don't like me back because, let's face it, why would you? And I know it's really stupid but I guess I was just here to just be next to you at least an-"

"Y/N?" Your rambling was stopped by Loki's hand holding up your face to look at him. "I don't understand, why would I not like you? You are beautiful and smart and funny and you are all the things that I could ever ask for." You felt all the sadness that you had be replaced by relief and happiness.

"T-thank you." You smiled sweetly up at him.

"Come with me. I need to show you something." He placed his book down and grabbed your hand.

You both made your way up to the roof of the Stark Tower and, just before you got there, Loki told you to close your eyes. As soon as he said 'open' you opened your eyes to see the beautiful sky painted with thousands of different shades of red, orange, pink, purple and yellow. The clouds were dotted along the large canvas. When you turned around, you could just about already see the stars and the incredible half moon.

"It's beautiful." You breathed out as you grabbed Loki's hand.

"So are you." He pulled you close to his body and gently kissed your forehead. He lifted up your head pressed his lips against yours. As you kissed him back, he put his arms around your waist and pulled your body into his. You both stood there kissing as the sun slowly went down. It was perfect. 

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