When There's Death, There's Always Despair

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'What is going on? Why is the voice so distant?'


'Wake up?'


'I can't understand.'


'Celestia? Wait, that's me.'

"Celestia..! Wake...Up..!"

'I can hear it more clearer now.'

"Celestia, wake up!"


My vision was blurry, but I saw someone, someone's figure. But I couldn't make out who that exactly was.

"Who Are...Wait..Asahina?.."

"Ah! I'm glad you're awake, I thought something alot worse happened to you."

"Alot worse?.."

I looked around, and it seemed like I was in the nurse's office.

"What.. Happened? And why am I here?" I asked Asahina questions since I don't recall coming into the nurse's office, ever.

"Oh, you don't remember? We went to go looking for you, Taka and Hifumi, since none of you came to the dining hall. We separated to find you guys and that's when I found you on the third floor." Asahina explained to me.

"But do you remember what happened to you?" she asked.

"Hm.. I don't remember much of what happened. But, I think I was following someone."

[Flashback time brought to you by A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED announcement]

I was looking around on the third floor, trying to see if anything was going on since I woke up pretty early. Then I saw a person in the corner of my eye, dragging Yamada along with them.

'What in the name of..'

I started following them, being cautious at all times. They walked inside to a room and I quickly, but silently followed them inside.

'Wait.. Where did they-'

And that's when I felt something heavy being hit against my head. My ears started ringing. The object felt blunt or something like that.

I immediately fell to the floor and started losing consciousness. My head started spinning and then everything stopped, and went black.


"That's all I remember." I explained to Asahina as I felt a slight headache coming.

"I.. See.. Well, anyway. You need some rest since that hammer must've really hurt." a what? What was Asahina talking about?

"A hammer?" I quickly questioned.

"Yeah, a hammer. It was next to you on the floor. It was called 'Justice hammer one'."

"So I got hit by a hammer? Understandable." I nodded and right there, I started having a headache. I started to rub my temples to avoid a bigger headache.

"You should get some rest. I'll leave you two for now." 'You two?' Someone else was here?

I looked to the other side and saw Yamada, bleeding from his head. Wait, bleeding?

"What happened to him?" I quickly asked Asahina before she could leave.

"Oh, he had the same incident, but got hit by 'Justice hammer 2'."

'Justice hammer 2? There's multiple one's?'

I slightly started to touch my head, to make sure I wasn't bleeding.

"Don't worry, you don't have any kind of serious injuries."

"Ah, I see." I pulled my hand back, while Asahina left the room and I was alone with.. Him.

I sighed and layed back down, feeling tired once I fully layed down.

I closed my eyes and hope this stupid headache would go away as soon as I fall asleep.

But, my slumber wouldn't last for long. I started hearing some movement, in the same room as me.

I turned to my other side where Yamada was supposed to be, but he was standing up? What was he planning to do? I shrugged it off and turned back to my side.

I then heard some footsteps, yet again in the same room as me.

'Jesus Danganronpa Christmas, what the hell is Yamada doing?'

I looked back over where Yamada was, but he wasn't there, weird.

I got up from the bed and checked the whole room, even outside of the room to check for him, but there was literally no sign of him. Did he just walk off or did he have something else to do?

I shrugged once again, closing the room's door, about to go back to my bed, but the door opened?

I turned around and was immediately shocked. I saw them. They held a hammer called 'Justice hammer 3'. Terrified, I backed up until there was nowhere to even back up to anymore.

I tried to keep my composure and poker face on, but it wouldn't help me at all, in this situation at least.

They swung the hammer up, proceeding to bring it down with force.

I gulped, before the hammer came down and..

I didn't feel anything anymore. Everything just went dark and quiet. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't hear anything. I felt numb. Was this how it felt like? Is this how everything ends? I don't want it to end so soon. It's too early for me. Maybe it was fate? Maybe it was actually time for me to go. But now, these questions won't be answered, not anymore..

~When love kills~ [Danganronpa Celesgiri AU] Where stories live. Discover now