Chapter 3

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As always, they wake up.
It's Tuesday, and they are both weirded out because it's the 3rd Tuesday in a row. So they get to school thinking it's just a joke. But when they got to school, they come to the conclusion that Tuesday is repeating itself, so they start with all the funny stuff. Another day or... the same day?
Both Henry and Michael stood in front of the calendar.
It was Tuesday AGAIN!
"This isn't normal dude," Michael said looking up at Henry. "I know! We just... this is probably just... a prank, yeah. Dorm pranks happen all the time, right?"
"That the teachers agreed to play along with?" Michael asked a bit skeptical.
Henry hesitated, "So... what do we do?" Michael smiled at this. "Looks like I'm the smart one now. Come on! I've got an idea!" He patted him on the shoulder and ran for the door.
"This is one long and repetitive day." Henry thought.


"This is a bad idea." Henry stated observing Michael wearing the school mascot costume and carrying a skateboard, as they exited the changing rooms.
"Hey, if what you said is true and it's all just a prank, then the teachers will give in!"
"And if it's not?"
"Then we know for sure that Tuesday is repeating itself. Now, enjoy!" He grinned at the part handing him a bunch of red paint.
Michael put on the mascot head and skated down the corridor yelling at the top of his lungs, while Henry put the paint cans on top of the locker room door frame so that when the football team came back from practice, they would be covered in the adversaries colors.
The crazy 3rd Tuesday began.
The principal spotted Michael and grabbed him by the collar just as the football team returned. You could hear their shouts of surprise from all the way down the corridor.
The two buds laughed, as the principal got her hands off of Michael to see what all of the ruckus was about.
"What's going on in he-" a pint of red paint spilt all over her just as she opened the door.
Stuttering she turned around, only to be greeted with a pie to the face.
"YOU BOYS ARE DEAD!!! I'M EXPELLING THE BOTH OF YOU!!!!" She screamed after them, as they ran away laughing towards the janitor's office.
Henry and Michael filled a few buckets with soap and water, then proceeded to pour the bucket's contents all over the corridor floor and down the steps. As they counted to three with devilish grins on their faces, they hit the fire alarm causing everyone to rush out of the classrooms only to slip and fall.
The whole corridor had turned into a water slide!
So by the end of the day...
"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GOT EXPELLED!" Henry laughed, as they walked towards the tennis court.
"Best part was when the firefighters showed up all confused!" Michael added also laughing.
"No way it's a prank. Tuesday is definitely repeating itself." Henry concluded, dropping his tennis bag on the bench like he always did.
"Hey, what's this?" Michael asked picking up what looked like a small scroll that had just fallen out of Henry's bag.
Henry's brow furrowed, as he came to stand next to Michael in order to examine it better.
"I don't even think it's in English." Henry commented, grabbing it from Michael and opening it.
"We'll go to the library in the morning, see what we can find..."

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