|∞| Pt. 1 |∞|

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"As you have all heard, we're going on a camping trip with our neighbouring Theatre class! Anyone who objects, doesn't have a good enough reason to not come, that includes the death of a family member or pet. And I know what you guys are like so don't go killing off 'the fam!'"
Mrs Whitfield continued rambling about the so called camping trip. She said something about how it'd be two in a cabin and mixed between the groups. So one person from each place would be sharing a whole cabin. Damn..

By the end of the lesson, we all had a permission slip to be signed with a Brochure about the camp attached. As I read through the information, I realised that the location itself was pretty beautiful. If Orion wasn't going, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Who knows who'd be paired with..

"What'chu' thinkin' 'bout, Finn?" The pink haired girl I've stuck around since I was a toddler asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"Nothing much.. Just you know.. The camp. I better be paired with one of the kinder kids." I sighed loudly, trying to capture our teachers attention.

She definitely heard me. Bitch ignored me. Damn.

"Wanna go get boba?" My fae-like friend asked.
"Sure, Emmy."

Once everyone except Emily and I had cleared out, I walked up to our teacher.
"Can you give me money for sushi? I'll get my brother to pay you back!" I promised, using puppy eyes to get her to agree.
"If he doesn't, I'm divorcing him for you stealing all my money." she gave me a $20 note.
I grinned. "Don't worry."

Emily pulled me out of the classroom as soon as I got our money.
She said something about us being late as I picked up my leather backpack. I honestly wasn't listening. My shoes had disappeared. This is what I get for wearing my best converse to Drama... Fuck!

"Where are my shoes, bitch?" I asked, searching under chairs, in bushes, even looking inside the classroom to see if I had took them inside.
"You put them in your bag before?" she looked at me as if I was stupid.
I couldn't be bothered getting them out so I just took of my socks and shoved them into my hoodie pocket.
"I'm walking barefoot then." I grinned at her.
"EW! The public doesn't want to see your festy feet! That's disgusting Finn!"
When we arrived at the Japanese convenience store, the 'Orion Bitches' as we call them were eating in our seats.

"Move." Emmy ordered, slamming her hand onto the plastic table.
The girls shook their heads, giggling and whispering to eachother. Fuckshitdamnit; I hate those girls so much. They were literally thirteen and acted as if they were elderly ladies. Like what the frick frack?
Yeah I say frick frack, come at me, I dare you.

I just grabbed Emmy's arm and dragged her to the small sushi cafe inside.

"Hey kids, are you getting the usual?" The small Asian man asked, grinning from ear to ear.
"Yes, thank you!" I grinned, passing him the $20 note.
He took it happily and made our boba tea and fresh sushi.

"We're getting our bus snacks from here." Emmy ordered, staring down at me.
The worst thing about being shorter than her was that she had authority over me. And we had a one inch difference. Like bitch please!

After a short while of waiting, we had our order and started looking around the store.
"FINN, COME HERE I FOUND SOMETHING!" Emmy called from the back of the store.

In her hands were two average sized bags of tapioca grains.
"Can we get some so we can make Boba at camp? Please?"
"Uh, yeah huh!" I grinned. "but we're coming back in a week so we have them as fresh as possible."

She agreed and we left the shop so we would get home before it was dark.
"Hey, so Emmy, who do you want to ve paired up with?"
"Either a hot girl or no one. I swear to God if I'm with someone younger then me im going to scream." she hissed, a pout forming on her mouth. "Or punch her, I don't know.."


Sorry for the short ass chapter, I'm gonna come back and edit it soon idk

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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