Chapter 23

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Connor left in the early morning, leaving his siblings time with their parents. He appeared on Capitol Hill only a few minutes after he had left and decided to take the marching in approach. Daniel had helped him compose a list of who he would be able to find at the Capitol building so he took long strides in the direction of the easier to enter. The House of Representatives was empty, excuse the few Representatives who occupied seats for a minor decision. The spectator seats were easy enough to get into being who he happened to be, so he headed to one of the doors in search of a kindly guard. One of the guards allowed him through after explaining that he had important information regarding recent amendments for the Homeland Security Act of 2002from his father who had other matters to deal with and had asked him for a favor.

Doors lined the maze once they got downstairs. Each one led to a specific office which was an issue for Connor had no idea where half of these people worked. He had seen them all before, of course, though with most he had only exchanged pleasantries. He found the Speaker of the House, Gregory Alltogras walking down one of the hallways and he ran over to him as he was one of the men on his list. He explained the situation to the shocked looking man and then asked, "Why did you not use your father's buzzer?"

When he saw the confused look on Connor's face he added, "We established a way to contact those of us in government if there ever was an emergency. The Thrillers in the army have them as well."

He bit his lip before saying, "May you do me a favor and after this meeting press the buzzer?"

Representative Alltogras smiled and nodded determinedly. "Anything for you, boy. You know, I happened to be your father's instructor before moving out here."

Connor smiled, not understanding the old person's memory and unsure of what to respond. The old man walked away laughing and Connor headed in the opposite direction, back toward the lobby of the Capitol building.

Tourists who flooded the lobby snapped photos of him and other passing members of Congress. His guards moved closer to him as shields from photos and other threats, knowing that he hated being the center of attention.

Once outside, Senator Hallman appeared in the parking lot and he called out to her.

"Senator Hallman, may I speak to you for a moment?"

She walked over and nodded respectfully so Connor continued.

"I'm really sorry about your daughter. I didn't want to tell you like that and I hope you can forgive me for any pain I may have caused you. And in case you would like to know, Evie has returned and is in the base. I do hope you'll meet us there later today, as I spoke to Representative Alltogras who promised to send out an SOS after their meeting."

She smiled and replied, "She still feels like a daughter to me. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Besides, I want to finally do something lesser than serving America."

She kissed him on the cheek and strode away while Connor was pushed back to his ride.

* * * * *

The ride was short and quiet until they returned home where yet more reporters bombarded him with questions. He acted as if he did not hear then and had the doors closed firmly behind them, leaving the people outside alone and storyless.

Immediately after he was changed and showered, he drove back to the compound to meet up with the others and prepare for the extra guests. For the first time, Connor entered the assembly room which had pearly white walls and rows upon rows of straight backed chairs, all lined with soft, velvety cushions.

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