Chapter 2: Have you "CCeen" Christian Coma?

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A/N: Hai guys. c: So did you like the first chapter? Yes? No? Maybe so? "Ugh Dayline, it's alright but why is CC already dreaming of Kali in his sleep? They barely met and he was in her closet like what the Purdy balls is going on here.." Well it's obvious that he's attracted to her ever since she striked him with a bat. xD Hehe. Sorry guise I promise I'll do better with this one! And if you don't like this one then I hope you get fingered by a wolverine. -_- By the way, I mentioned in the first chapter that Kali was on Instagram and she indeed does have one! It's valencewreck and mine is the_morticians_daughter_bvb so you can follow us! It's like following the characters of the story since I put ourselves in it. xD "DAYLINE, JUST STOP ALREADY I WANT TO READ THIS FRANKING CHAPTER!" Okay fine geez.. On with the story! --Dayline



I woke up to a delicious, mouth-watering smell of food. Dayline must have woken up and made breakfast. I turned my head to the side and read the time on the clock. 8:20 AM. I yawned, went to my bathroom, stripped down and jumped into the shower. I hummed God Bless You while washing my hair.

Wait a second.

Dayline can't cook.

She practically burns everything she tries to make.

I quickly got out of the shower and slipped on a BVB T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a pair of black converse. I practically ran downstairs to see CC cooking eggs and bacon on the stove. He didn't notice me. CC can cook?

"Yes, actually, I can. It's not like I eat pizza and burgers everyday," he said offended as if he read my mind. I then realized that I said the thought out loud.

"Sorry I didn't mean it that way. I just didn't expect you to be the cooking type," I said.

He chuckled. "It's alright. I can make decent food but not to the extent where fancy ingredients are needed."

I smiled and a couple awkward minutes passed by. He set the food on the dining table and served drinks. I sat down and watched CC as he poured orange juice into a glass. He's amazing...

"I SMELL FOOD!" Dayline yelled as she skipped down the stairs. I laughed as she patted CC's head and practially screamed in his ears a good morning and sat down. CC rolled his eyes and sat down with us.

I took a bite of the eggs and bacon and my mouth gaped open. Dayline did the same.

"Uh.. something wrong with the food? I understand if it tastes like shit I-"

"CC, THIS IS AMAZING!" Dayline yelled out in happiness.

"This tastes awesome," I said and took another bite. CC looked at me, smiled and ate.


After finishing breakfast, we sat down on the couch and watched TV in the living room. We were watching Spongebob (Dayline wanted to) and suddenly an emergency update appeared.

"We interrupt this program to bring you an important message. A man has been missing near the Toronto, Canada location. Christian Coma, also known as "CC", from American rock band Black Veil Brides has been issued "MISSING" after disappearing before a show in the House of Blues concert venue near Toronto, Canada." A picture of CC then appeared on the screen. "If you have seen this man, please contact local authorities or our national missing people hotline."

"CC, they are looking for you! What are we going to do?" I asked him. Clearly the guys are looking for him.

"I'm not going back," CC said bluntly and looked down at his feet.

"You are a drummer of a famous band. You have to go back at some point!" Dayline shouted.

CC looked ticked off and stood up. "Girls, I'm sorry but they don't need me. All I do is cause trouble. I'm an idiot," he said angrily, walked out the door and slammed it closed.


I am so fucking worried. My best friend is missing. Why is Ashley being such a jerk? He should have forgiven CC and move on. Okay, I get it, I know how Ashley feels but CC shouldn't be treated this way. I knew that at some point Ashley would get tired of CC's screw ups and CC runs away. Now that CC is gone, Ashley acts like he doesn't give a fuck when I know he does. Andy, Jake, and I are calling so many people and asking if they have seen CC anywhere or might know where he ran off to. We've been driving all around Toronto this morning and couldn't find a single trace of him. I need to find him. We all need to find him. We can't lose our drummer and best friend. I will keep trying to find CC if it will take days, weeks, months, or even years.

Where are you, CC?


I sighed. I really do feel bad for him but why can't he just apologize to Ash? Don't get me wrong, I want CC to stay with me and Kali, but he doesn't belong here. He belongs with his band, his friends.

I sighed again. "I'm going to the mall. Wanna come?"

"No I think I'll stay here and watch CC. Who knows what he'll do next?"

"Right," I said. "I'll see you later." I said and went out. I saw CC sitting outside on the front yard.

Poor CC.

 I got inside my sleek black Chevy Camero and drove off to the mall.

Once I arrived, I went straight to Hot Topic. I bought bracelets, awesome skinny jeans, eyeliner, and a sick belt. I looked around and saw new Black Veil Brides shirts that I have never bought. I basically reached my arms out and slowly walked toward them like they were some kind of special gift on Earth. I swear people were looking at me like if I had lost my sanity.

Man I love this store!


Andy suggested that we should look for CC in the mall. He paired me up with Jake and told us to check the west side of the mall while him and Ashley check the east.

"So what store do you think CC would be in?" Jake asked.

"Oh, I don't know, Claire's?" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "Hot Topic."

We went to Hot Topic but didn't see CC raiding the cosmetics like he usually does everytime we go to this store.

"Well, he's not here. Let's-" Jake started.

I interrupted him. "Wait..."

And that's when I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.

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