Chapter 4: Pshh. Fangirls.

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A/N: Hello readers! Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been busy with exams but all of that is over now! And I will be updating a lot more often during the winter break! "YAY MORE CHAPTERS!" Yep! I pretty much have nothing else to say. xD "YAY FINALLY YOU CAN SHUT UP ALREADY AND LET ME READ THIS CHAPTER!" Meanie! -.- "LET ME READ, WILL YOU?" Fine. Read on! --Dayline



I'm glad CC is here with me but at the same time I feel embarrassed. I just cried my eyes out in front of my favorite band member of my favorite band. Hopefully he doesnt think I'm some dramatic, attention-seeking baby.

I woke up and found myself on CC's lap. I looked up and our eyes met. CC looked calm and smiled.

"How was your nap?" he asked.

He is so amazing. The way his eyes sparkle, his hair falls on top of his shoulders and those lips...


"Oh.. it was alright," I smiled.

CC opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the door opening and slamming closed.



Ashley and I walked toward Hot Topic to see Jinxx and Jake arguing. Oh god, what did Jinxx do now?

I angrily marched to the guys while Ash tried to catch up with my pace. Once I met up with them, they stopped talking and looked at me.

"You two were supposed to be looking for CC! Not socializing!" I yelled at Jinxx and Jake.

I can't believe they would rather talk to girls than find our drummer that disappeared off to nowhere thanks to Ashley.

"Andy, I swear I was! But Jinxx got distracted by some girl-"

"Some girl? Jake, she is not just some girl. There's something about her that's so-"

I slapped Jinxx. "Get it together, man! Cut it out! We have to look for CC and not slack off."

"Well he's not anywhere in this mall and we've been looking for hours," Ashley cut in. "Maybe we can search for him again tomorrow?"

I sighed. "Fine. Let's go boys."

We exited out the mall and got in to our tour bus. I plopped myself onto the couch. The guys did the same and looked down, upset, except for Ashley. He could care less about where CC went.

Ashley was chomping on his bubble mint gum, on his phone like the usual as if CC never left.

I rolled my eyes and checked Twitter on my phone. All I see on my feed are fans getting worried and wishing us luck to find him. Hell, even "Where is CC" is trending.

@bvbfan5eva: OMFG CC WHERE ARE YOU????

@purdyballs69: CC we miss you! Hope you're okay!

@goandleyorgohome: why did CC leave? :( COME BACK!!!

@demjakepittstits: Praying that the boys will find CC! Christian, we're coming for you!

I tweeted.

@AndyBVB: The guys and I thank you for your thoughts and concerns. We will try our very best to find Christian. We will keep you updated!

We are as worried as they are. Hopefully CC is safe.


Oh my Jinxx, I still can't believe that I've met him! I've got to tell Kali!

I got out of my car and ran to the front door. I went inside and practically slammed the door closed.


Kali's mouth gaped open while CC looked like he'd just seen a ghost.

Kali and I started squealing and hugged each other. "Oh my glob, you met Jinxx?!"

"Frank yeah I did! He totally made the first move! I swear I was gonna pass out when he said hi! And he paid for my stuff!" I gushed.

"Oh my glob!" We started jumping around in circles and we remembered CC was in the room.

We stopped jumping and calmed ourselves. I cleared my throat. "Sorry about that."

CC smiled. "It's alright. You girls are too cute."

I smiled while Kali giggled and blushed. Oh god.

Wait a second...

I met Jinxx.

The boys must be looking for CC!

CC is staying here with us...

Oh. My. Purdy. Balls.

"CC! When I saw Jinxx at the mall, I also saw another guy and he looked like he could be Jake! They are here and they are looking for you!"

CC sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you? I am not going back."

I grabbed his shirt forcefully and yelled into his face. "THEY ARE LOOKING FOR YOU!"

"I don't give a rat's ass if they are. I'm staying here."

"Dayline, just leave him alone. CC, do what you want." Kali said, going upstairs.


I watched Kali heading upstairs. She must be going to her room I guess.

Dayline sighed and sat down on the couch across from me. She reached for her purse and rummaged through it. Her face turned white.

"Oh my god! My phone isn't here!" Dayline panicked.

"Maybe it's somewhere in the house?" I said.

She gave me a look. "I always have my phone in my purse or in my hand. I don't just leave it around!"

Dayline's face changed drastically.

"Jinxx! He has my phone!"

"What? What do you mean Jinxx has your phone?" I said immediately. Why would he have her phone?

"I remember I dropped my stuff when I was shopping. Jinxx helped me pick them up and he must have taken my phone by accident."

I took a breathe.

Jinxx has Dayline's phone.

Jinxx, my best friend.


Andy and Ashley were on their phones, Jake is sitting next to me with his head on my shoulder, taking a nap and I'm just here daydreaming about Dayline.


Her name is so beautiful. Her eyes, hair, lips, everything.

I should have asked for her number but I didn't think she'd lend it to me.

I then felt a vibration in my pocket. I was guessing I got a notification until I saw it was not my phone. Instead of my black Samsung Galaxy S3, there was a white iPhone 4 in my hand.

I turned the phone on and saw a picture of myself as the wallpaper. Hmm.

I went to slide to unlock the phone and saw yet another picture of myself. Uh okay then...

Looking through someone's phone isn't really a nice thing to do but this person obviously loves me.

I looked through the pictures and pretty much all of them were of Black Veil Brides and myself.

That's when I saw a picture of the same beautiful girl I've seen earlier.

It's her.

I have Dayline's phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2012 ⏰

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