18- Injured

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After I've confirmed kazuichi wasn't the killer and even heard it from his own mouth i knew it he wasn't the murder, because he will never hurt me like that right?....

Kazuichi pov
I guess i have no other choice but to eliminate (y/n) friend once again... I have no choice because if he keeps suspecting me and he leads the investigation to me there is no doubt I'd get found out. I would never let (y/n) find out because i love her and that's the reason i have to kill him. So what if that's her best friend she'll get over it as long as I'm by her side, but i can't kill him to quickly or then the suspicion will be on me and (y/n) will find out... So I'll wait a little....

Somewhere not so far away

Nagito pov
So i see kazuichi and (y/n) are working on in investigation together and (y/n) friend suspects kazuichi killed her best friend quite...hmmm.... interesting that's really interesting...*smiles with an evil smile*

Back to your pov

"Kazuichi it's already late you should get going" I say "yeah you're right" he agrees as i a company him to the door and we kiss goodbye. "Sweetie how's jack doing" my mom asks me "he's doing fine don't ask me!" I say in a mad tone and go upstairs to my room. I don't get why jack suspects kazuichi he's just blaming him for no reason geez.

Timeskip to the next day~

Kazuichi pov

Today I was doing the usual helping my family in the workshop. Usually I would go hang out with (y/n) around 3 but sadly not today because something even greater happened. As I was on my way to (y/n) house, I bumped in to Nagito -_- " what are you doing here?" I asked " oh my bad I wasn't looking where I was going wait kazuichi what are you doing here??" Nagito says looking surprised "stop acting dumb and tell me why ur close to (y/n) house" "what do u mean were on the street not (y/n) house??" I sightly even get more triggered "stop acting dumb tell me!" I shout "chill kazuichi i just came to clear up some misunderstandings" "misunderstandings?" I question confused "yeah,.... I know ur the one who killed (y/n) best friend" nagito locks eyes with kazuichi. "W-hat are u talking about i would never-" "now ur the one acting dumb im not stupid i know u did!" "Pff so what if i did!" I say with no emotion "well i have a deal to make with u" "deal? What kind of deal?" I scratch my head "well if u let me have (y/n) i won't tell anyone that u murdered her best friend" "stop fucki*g with me i won't let u have her!" "Then i will tell he-" before he could say anything else i swing my knife at him but he dodges "woah there u really did kill her best friend didn't u?" nagito questions but i just stare and growl at him with rage "grr" "u know i also have a knife with me " he suddenly takes out a pocket knife from his pocket and my eyes went to shock..."w-wait why do u have a knife!!??" I ask "i should be asking u the same thing" he smirks "well then what if instead of a deal we make this a death match?" Nagito says holding his knife "Fine by me, i agree".

Meanwhile with u~

"What the hell why isn't kazuichi answering!!" I say furious it's already past 3 and we were suppose to hang out! I guess I'll just go over to his house and see what's going on... But for some reason i don't have a good feeling about this...

Back to the situation with nagito and kazuichi~

As soon as we made our agreement me and nagito started fighting, well more like swinging our knifes at each other. "I'm surprised u missed that u move fast" nagito says panting "well i could say the same for u" i then swing my knife again one more time. But suddenly i hear someone yell "STOP!"

Back to your pov now

While i was on my way to kazuichi house i hear some people talking behind an alley. So i go check it out and it was nagitos voice and.... Kazuichi?? Why were they together i asked myself. But then i heard them say "im surprised u missed that" and "i could say the same for u". I was so curious of what was going on that i just took a peek and suddenly i say kazuichi swinging a knife at nagito! I was shocked and surprised... Without thinking i yelled to at both of them to stop and they turned around to look at me... "Kazuichi w-what are u doing!? Why are u swinging a knife at nagito!!!?" I shout "(y/n) is not what it looks like! I swear i could-" suddenly kazuichi falls to the floor and then i realize there was a wound stab in his back "KAZUICHI!?" i yell "get up come on get up!" I look at his face and he passed out i was freaking out and i started to cry... But then i just heard nagito laughing i look up to see him smiling and realize he was holding a knife..."u- what did u do to kazuichi!!?" I yell with tears in my eyes "don't worry about it" i just look at him with a face of disgust and he just leaves "H-hey don't leave!!" I say but he just continues to walk away. When he's gone i look at kazuichi body and it just felt cold i take a look at both of my hands and they both were filled with blood... "Kazuichi wake up! Please wake up! Someone please help me!!" I yell and suddenly everything went dark and i felt drops of water fell on my face....

Authors note

Sorry to say but this story is almost coming to an end im most likely gonna end it with 21 or 20 chapters but don't worry u guys feel free to check out my other stories..

Word count:1055

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