Chapter 6

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Quick note for the story:

For the last chapter I published (the explanation of the OC's) I noticed that I changed the twin's names. So I had originally planned to call them Shera and Niko, but after creating them I decided that it didn't live up to my expectations, so I've changed their names. To make things clear; Shera will be now Hikari and Niko will be called Yami. Itami is Damian's Pro-Hero name.


"Hikari (Shera), Yami (Niko), follow us," a set of twins appeared, following their father.


The group of secret pro-heroes made their way over to a special place in U.A where they kept the most vicious villains. "Damian. Why are you here?" Inko asked the question once again, making sure it was just the six of them. Damian smiled to himself, not saying a word. Inko scoffed and clicked her tongue. 

"Inko, if he doesn't want to say, then you shouldn't force him," Rei's soft voice rung through. Inko groaned. "But don't you want to know why he is here?" Inko dragged out. Rei simply smiled and shook her head. "Patience is key... trust me," Rei spoke from experience.

"Ah! Itami! You were able to make it!" Out appeared a mouse-looking creature. It had scared Inko, causing her quirk to activate. With the help of his cells, he was now floating above Rei. "Mido it's just principal Nezu," Damian calmly explained. Groaning startled all of them and Inko dropped Nezu. Luckily Rei's reflexes were quick enough to catch him. "Inko, you should really stop that. It's not good for you or them," Rei scolded her friend. Inko sweatdropped as she apologised to Nezu for the previous incident. 

He easily accepted the form of apology and carried on talking. "Ah, sorry for calling you in late. I was told by a few friends that you had new and useful information about the 'DEMONS'. Would you kindly put Ms Nighttera in the incubator?" Nezu kept his professional manner in check. "Incubator?" Rei asked confused. "Incubator is one of the many things Hatsume created. It is basically a cell that enables one quirk without harming the person. Incubator was made to adapt to each individual's quirk," Inko spoke up, explaining to the confused mother. "It's been a long time since I've heard from him. How is he?" Rei smiled fondly at the reminder of an old friend. "He disappeared 9 years ago," Inko smiled sadly. Rei felt bad and apologised for bringing up the memory. "It's in the past don't worry," Inko smiled widely, and all the negative energy from before just seemed to vanish. 

A few men in highly protected gear came to take Mika into an Incubator. Damian made sure that she was fully knocked out before allowing the guards to her. "Shall we join the Bakugou's?" Nezu asked. It wasn't really a question, more of a heads up to the group. A phone startled the group. Yami grabbed his phone from his pocket. He excused himself and answered the call. Now it was just; Inko, Rei, Damian, Nezu and Hikari walking to a room 3 levels underground. 

From a distance, Mitsuki's voice could be heard. Inko's mama mode activated. She rushed towards her best friend. Rei wasn't far behind Inko, rushing to her good friend. As the two mums ran, it was just Nezu, Damian and Hikari. "So, did you find what they were working on?" Nezu asked. "Mhm. It isn't good. But we should discuss this with Inko. Since she was the last key," Damian briefly told the intelligent creature. Nezu nodded his head in understatement. 

Not long after, they made it to the room. The atmosphere wasn't pleasant at all. Mitsuki was crying into Inko's chest and Rei was trying to calm her down. Katsuki was laying on a bed with plugs plugged into him to help him breathe and to calm him down whenever he is in pain. Hikari made her (today she wants to be referred to as her/she) way over to the sleeping blonde. She activated her quirk and tried to bend the light to overtake the darkness. She couldn't really ask her brother to minimise the darkness as he wasn't in the room at that moment. It had helped Katsuki as his body seemed to relax. 

"We have a matter to discuss right now. I'm sorry Mitsuki but you must wait to weep. I'm sad to inform you that DEMONS is back together, stronger than ever. And we are afraid to say," Nezu motioned Damian to continue. "At first we thought they needed Inko to complete the ritual, but we are wrong. To complete the ritual there is to be a descendant of the brother of All for One and a child of full blood DEMONS. We were confused as to who these people were. But..." Damian stopped and glared at Inko. "Inko. Is there something you want to me about your husband?" Damian's calm mood vanished and was replaced by a cold tone. Inko glared back.

The atmosphere turned into an angrier state than before. "What's it to you?" Inko spat back. "When exactly did you plan on telling us that your husband is a descendant of Tomura? Huh?" Damian shot back. Rei gasped. Mitsuki ran up and slapped Damian. "How dare you! You... you bitch! You motherfucking shithead!" Mitsuki continued to punch Damian in the stomach. "You knew this shit would happen. You knew my Masaru would die! Fucking die!" Mitsuki yelled as she activated her quirk and burnt his whole left shoulder. "Now you come back here, stating shit we already know. Don't you think Inko didn't know this? You don't think she knows about the ritual? Yo-" "Enough! There is so much darkness here its actually disgusting," Yami whispered-yelled. He silently gagged as he used his quirk to thin out as much as he can. 

"Father. I've already told you this. We are only here to help stop the ritual. So what if they have Izuku. We have Katsuki. And they can't nor can they try to find another full blood DEMONS. So stop your bickering. I thought I made it clear that Mrs Midoriya is fully aware that Mr Midoriya isn't Tomura's descendant. It's only Izuku," Yami was out of breath from scolding his father. It was the most he's ever talked in a short period of time. 

"Mrs Midoriya," Hikari decided to step in for her brother, "Do you know the reason as to why Izuku is the descendent to Tomura but you two aren't?" Inko took a deep breath out. "It isn't only Izuku who is related to him. My mother is Nana Shimura, the 7th holder of One for All," the news seemed to shock everyone but Mitsuki. "The only reason as to why my husband was the main target of L.O.V is because he was born with the quirk of everybody. He didn't need to steal or create a quirk for the people. So, the L.O.V  want to try and duplicate his quirk cells to create a nomu that is indestructible," Inko started to take the lead of the situation. "But now, they now have my baby, one of the last keys to open MOTHER and FATHER. And we must stop them before they finish the ritual. 

"So? What do we do?" Nezu asked. 

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