Chapter 1- The Beginning Pt.2

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"Where am I?"

I somehow just woke up in a classroom that I did not recognize.

I am not one to doze off in class; and on top of that I dont even rember falling asleep in the first place. 

So of course I'm going to panic a bit.

Trying to stay stoic I got up from my seat and took a look of my surrondings.

'just a normal classroom'

In neat rows desks were placed facing a chalk board.
A podium also in the front of the class were a teacher will teach or a student will present their presintation.

But something didnt feel right...

The windows; they were boarded by steal plates; And let's not mention the obvious camera situated in the corner of the room.

"Why is there a ca-" I said before I cut off myself with my own thoughts.

'Of course~' I pinched the bridge of my nose at the sudden realization.
'I was heading to another one of Chris's "game" shows. I must've fell asleep in the car on the way here and got placed in this classroom."

'Our next show is going to be hosted in a school.' I had to let that thought sink in before I got really excited.

'That sounds pretty cool actually! Mabey I can still focus on my study's and try to win this time.'

"Heh-This season might not be so bad," I said looking right at the camera.

I walked back over to the desk I was previously was sleeping on and saw a note.

Please come to the gym in 20 minutes.

I have no clue where the gym is but after reading the note, I put it back down and left the classroom.

After about 10 minutes searching, I found the gym.

I made my way into the gym and saw my other fellow other contestants.

"And that makes 22" Courtney states as she looked straight at me.

"Hey Noah, I havent seen you in forever dude!! I missed you" Owen says as he hurdled his way towards me. He then proceeded to pick me up and hugg me very tight.

"I missed you to big guy," I sayed as I awkwardly patted his back for a few seconds before I then say, "Now bud, can you put me down-hmp-I can barely breath-hmp"

"Oh my God, sorry dude I just got to excited I didnt hurt you did I?" Owen put me down frantically as he freeked out thinking he hurt me.

"No no it's ok big fella, just be a bit more carefull next time. I'm a twig you know." I said as I looked back at him with my shirt a bit eschewed.

Adjusting my shirt; I look at the others and ask a question that probably everybody else is wanting to ask.

"So um guys, where the hell is Chris?"

"We dont-"
"Who's Chris?"  Lyndsay asks

"Are you fucking kidding me!"

Duncan looked at lindsay in disbelief, only getting a confused look back.

"You absolute bimbo; you know Chris, the man who's been hosting the multiple shows you've been on" Duncan continues on still confused at the absolute idiocy of the blonde.

'I knew she was dumb, like total air head but how could she forget the absolute hell maker Chris' I thought as I looked at Lindsay with a similar disbelief as Duncan.

"Oh~ that Chris; ya where is he?" Lindsay asked as she started to walk around the gym looking for Chris
"Oh Chris where are you~" She the procided to repeatedly say.

"So I'm guessing you guys dont know where he is either," I say looking at the others seeing a unanimous nod around the crowd.
"That's just, Fantastic."

"This is very uncharacteristic of chris, usually he would be trying to be the center of attention; and him not being here is kinda worrisome." Leshana adds as she walking forward to the group.

"Mabey he's just touching up his makeup you know how he is" Geoff says picking up one of the basketball balls and throwing a ball, then running up to then catch it?

Sorry I just dont do sports terms guys, I'm a books, homework, probably going to Harvard type of dude and you guys know that.

"That is true." Courtney says, kinda just ending the conversation.

The gym went silent, well other than a bouncing of the ball and Lyndsay "desprate" attempts to find chris.

"Well that conversation was surtently helpfull," I say to myself as I went to go an examin the gym I was in.

Their where bleachers on the sides of the gym and the floor was just a normal gym floor.

Again there where the steel plates covering all of the windows; And a camera in the corner of the gym.

In the front of the gym was a stage with another podium.On the podium had a symbol on it; black and white white what looked like a black pin and a white lightning strike right by it.

'Hmm must be the schools Crest kinda interesting' I thought when I was about to touch it.


🔪862 words🔪

(Sorry for the a/n I know they can be a bitch
Im sorry if my writing is bad I really want to get the the fun part so I'm rushing it.

Also I feel bad for being mean to lyndsay because she is my fave character so sorry lynds.....

Also I wanted to ask does it help you when I space things out like I do in my fic. I find it easyer for me to read and kinda catch up to where I was but if yall dont like it I can change..)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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