episode 1: A crazy dream

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Hero, What is a hero?

"I won't let you hurt her!"

Is it defined by popularity?

"Get out of our way dumbass!"

By power? By money? Influence?

"Next time you try to play hero remember you ain't got a quirk dumbass"

To some that may be the definition of hero: another word for celebrity. But to you... It was something different

"Y/N! Are you ok?"

You looked up your vision blurry for an instant before you regained focus again swing your friend infront of you eyes full of tears that were somewhat hidden by the pouring rain

"Y-yeah, what about you?"

You asked as you looked straight into those eyes that resembled a crosshair before looking at her pink hair, this was your friend mei hatsume

"Of course I am! But it meant that you got all battered up again..."

She said in-between sniff trying to not cry as she saw your face you could feel the dried blood on your upper lip from being punched in the nose and you were sure you had a black eye after the beating you received

"It's nothing, I'll be good as new tomorrow"

She just gave you a glance after your words before helping you up slowly

"come on let's get you back home"

You nodded as the two of you slowly walked back in the heavy rain your thoughts flooding your mind

Playing hero? Dumbass? Those were things you heard often, you were born without a quirk. A special power that most of the population had, this was the case for your pink haired friend although hers wasn't oriented for direct combat you still found it incredible how she put it to use with her passion for inventing


"Were here Y/N"

you heard her say as she opened the door to your home quickly entering to seek refuge from the pouring rain

"Stay put, I'll go get the first aid kit"

"First room to the-"

"To the left I know"

She responded quickly seeing how this was a rather normal occurrence for the two of you

You laid your head back on the couch as you waited but what kept you from just falling asleep from exhaustion was the feeling of being poked by something on your leg

You quickly looked down to see a little machine bumping into you, it was rolling on small wheels at its bottom as a crane like extension it had on the top bummed against you

"You didn't get damage huh?"

It was one of mei's inventions or "babies" as she called them

"Baby number 12 seems to still need some work"

Said mei as she came back with the first aid kit sitting down next to you as she set the little robot on the small table infront of you aswell as the first aid kit

"I think it's coming along nicely"

"You always tell me that"

"Because it's true"

You said before you were handed a small bag of ice for your eye as she patched you up slightly smiling a bit as you say her invention move around using it's crane to try and grab the small objects on the table

REALIZING HERO (my hero academia x kamen rider reader)Where stories live. Discover now