episode 3: approval

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You quickly made your way to the school before being directed to the principal's office

"You wanted to see me Mr principal?"

You said before looking over to the man in charge, or more like the rat in charge

You had heard about Principal Nezu before, a peculiar case of an animal being born with a quirk that allowed it to live alongside humans and even become the principal of the highly regarded U.A truly a man worth respecting in you eyes

"Indeed I did, it has come to my interest that you had taken the hero course exam while being quirkless no?"

You nodded as you kept the zero one driver in your pocket gripping with some force

"Hmm it's quite interesting that while being quirkless were able to perform actions like this"

He said as he pressed a button on his computer with his paw to show footage of your actions from before, from the moment where you put on the zero one driver to your finishing kick it was all there

"I can explain if you'd allow me"

"No need L/N, we already have the answers from your parents"

"My parents?!"

You said before the window with the footage of you transformed was closed to show your parents in the monitor as they un-muted their microphone

"Y/N L/N, so this is why we we're missing materials from the lab and that enormous amount of data was uploaded to Zea!"

Said your mother as she looked at you making you freeze in place from the shock

"Look I know it sounds bad but I can explain"

You said raising your arms in defence as you looked at your parents

"Really? Explain why you didn't tell us about this for years and why you thought it was a good idea to put not only yourself but Mei in danger!"

You gritted your teeth as your father spoke and his scolding continued

It was a bit normal for this to happen, you'd get in fights to protect Mei or to stop arguments before they escalated too quickly, but no matter what you'd normally end up beaten up for not minding you own business as most would tell you

And every time it happened your parents talked to you with concern, you got it they were worried about their son getting beaten up... But you couldn't just turn a blind eye to the things you saw as wrong

"We know how much you admire heroes but... You can't keep pretending that things will work out"

Said your mother as some regret was behind her words, it wasn't easy telling her child how his dreams were basically impossible

"...both you and Mei have such great potential for the support classes, I'm sure principal Nezu wouldn't min-"

"But I can do something now! I should you be given a chance, you saw what we could create, what I can do with the driver! Why can't I just be given a chance at this!"

You said as you placed a hand on Nezu's desk holding the zero one drive in the other showing it to your parents as you held back some tears as you looked at your parents who remained speechless, you never talked back to them and never in such a desperate tone

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk about, my school is willing to give you a chance Y/N"

As you heard Nezu's calm tone you stopped to look at him seeing his small smile as he held his hands together


You and your parents said in unison as you looked at Principal Nezu with hopeful eyes

"We saw the potential that you showed with that belt you have, and we've decided to give you a chance to prove yourself"

He said before looking at your parents

"I understand your concerns mister and misses L/N but we assure you that Y/N will be alright in out institution"

Your parents were taken a back by his proposal before exchanging a glance before your father spoke up

"We'll accept on one condition, if the hero course turns out to be too much for Y/N then he'll be taken into the support classes"

As you heard your father speak up you couldn't help but smile and Nezu could tell you'd take that risk nodding and smiling

"Very well... Taking in count your score during this test not only from the points you gathered from defeating our robots but also from our secret rescue points that you earned defending Mina Ashido you enter the top 5 highest scores during this test"

He took a glance at you and smiles confidently

"You'll be entered into class 1A, I expect great things for you"

"I won't disappoint! I promise!"

You said before looking at your parents the zero one drive in hand

"You won't regret this!"

They nodded before smiling at you your mother still having some worries but decided to let you take this opportunity

"Were sure you won't, but for now we have to leave, we have an important conference in an hour"

You nodded and after they hung up you bowed in respect to Principal Nezu before exiting the building with a huge smile on your face


"And then Nezu told me I was in the top 5! Can you believe that?!"

You shouted as Mei listened to you as she analyzed the data you had gathered during your first outing with the driver

"I'm seeing the reason silly!"

She said spinning on her chair to face you

"You really did put it to good use! And that catchphrase before transforming"

"Only one person can save us... And that's me!"

Mei laughed soflty as you reenacted your opening before transforming making you smile

"It gives a similar feel to almight's don't you thing?"

Said your pink haired friend. A similar feeling to almight? Your mind went back to several newscast of villain attacks that seemed to be imposible to control but when it seemed like everything was hopeless he came to shine a light saying that everything would be alright because he was there

"That's great to hear"

You said smiling happily at her before she went back to analyzing the driver

Your phone vibrated as she went back
To work, you had received a message from Ashido

Hey! You got some time? I want to hear more about that belt of yours!

"I'm gonna go talk to a friend"

You said to mei before making your way to the workshops exit

"Is it the pink girl?"

"How did you know?"

"She's in the video, she seems nice"

You blushed a bit before nodding

"Yeah she is, she gave me her number so I could tell her about the driver in more detail"

"Atta boy"

She said teasingly as she looked at you making you get a bit flustered

"It's not like that!"

"Keep telling that to yourself"

You sighed but smiles before exiting while texting Ashido

It's a long story

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