1. Fuck Mattia

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Kairi was fed up.

Or perhaps tired was a more fitting word.

Yeah, he was tired. Like, the exhausted kind of tired. The sort of bone-deep weariness you'd usually get after pulling an all-nighter doing a whole assignment the night before it was due.

And yet somehow this feeling was—even if only a little—worse.

His dms on all accounts were overflowing (more so than usual); one part worried fans asking after his well-being and the other part angry Mattia stans coming at him for saying whatever it was he'd said in their stupid post subbing war thing the other night.

Three days. Kairi knew, somewhere in the very back of his mind that it had only been three days since they'd argued. Three days since they'd last spoken.

And yet with every minute that passed it felt like a whole entire week was going by. Kairi was lost at sea, floating slowly further and further away from the ship-wreck that was his fight with Mattia. He didn't even care about drowning. What really troubled him was that the further away he got, the less hope he had for rekindling their friendship.

He knew he was being dramatic. Friends fought. It's not like they hadn't in the past and made up, either.

But this time it felt different. Kairi didn't really know what it was.

Or maybe he did. Maybe he did and he was too scared to properly dwell on it—why it felt different, that is.

Maybe it was the fact that this time it was Mattia against not just Kairi but also Alejandro. Maybe it was the fact that he just simply didn't seem to care.

With the things he'd been saying, Mattia was very heavily insinuating that he was ready to drop his entire group of friends and it wouldn't bother him in the slightest. And that bothered Kairi.

Because what the fuck? Who threw away three years of friendship over a fucking girl? A girl who, not to mention, is one of your best friend's exes?

"Fucking idiot," Kairi muttered out into the darkness of his room for what felt like the millionth time in the last 73 hours. Whether he was aiming the insult at Mattia, himself, or even just the actual situation (because yes, Kairi considered the situation itself to be an idiot) was unclear to him. Maybe it was all three. But actually it was probably definitely aimed at Mattia.

Fuck Mattia.

Kairi was losing sleep over this shit. He turned to look at the digital clock on his bedside table and saw the angry red numbering that sat there: 5:13am.

Kairi groaned (relatively loudly—he winced when he realised he might've woken someone) as the thought crossed his mind that Mattia was probably all snuggled up and asleep right now, drooling as he dreamt of Vic.

It's not like Kairi's sleeping schedule wasn't already kinda fucked, but, to his credit, he'd actually been well on track to fixing it lately. One would say it was almost even back to normal.

Or, it would've been. But then three stupid nights ago he'd stupidly stayed up and humoured Mattia with that stupid fight. Alllll on the Internet. For eeeeeeveryone to see. Kairi hardly suppressed another groan.

Christ, Kairi wished he had his own car. Because if he did, he'd have been able to sneak out and leave. He wanted to see Ale. He wanted to not be alone in his room, still awake at 5-fucking-am.

And even more than that, he wanted to drive to Mattia's house. To apologise? God, no. To punch him in his stupid face for being such a prick.

Mattia was Kairi's best friend. It had been that way for the past two years. There wasn't a person Kairi trusted more. And he'd really thought that Mattia had felt the same way.

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