2. Very Bad Dumb Stupid Idea

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Kairi got home from training with Ale at about 8:00pm. The minute he passed through the threshold that was his front door, his eyes were already drooping, begging him to go to sleep.

His mom shouted something at him from the kitchen (probably asking if he'd had dinner or not), but he didn't have the energy to respond. He'd just clumsily made his way upstairs and to his room. Without stopping to change out of his sweaty clothes, Kairi flopped onto his bed and was asleep within seconds.


It was 7:38am, and Kairi's mom was dropping him off at school for his 8:00am soccer practice.

Realistically, Kairi knew he shouldn't be so worried. But he was getting all sweaty on his palms and behind his knees.

He'd seen Mattia at practice the past couple days since their fight. Today shouldn't have been any different.

He shouldn't have been nervous.

But apart of him was. Kairi hadn't told Ale about the conclusion he'd come to: that this was a bad idea. All of it. Very, very bad, dumb, stupid, idiotic—

He sucked in a sharp breath through his nose, willing himself to calm down.

His mom side eyed him for a second, giving him a wierd look, before turning back to the road.

His dreams last night had just been filled with an abundance of soccer balls and tears. His own tears? Mattia's tears? He had no fucking idea. But he really thought that if he and Ale went through with this whole thing, he'd surely find out. And by God he didn't want to find out.

Kairi was a good player. The best on their team, in fact. He was the only one to have made varsity as a junior. He knew he could get captain, easily.

If he and Mattia weren't currently fighting, he'd probably have wanted to go for captain, anyway. Mattia would've encouraged him, even if he did try for the position himself. Because he's supportive. Or at least he was.

But now it felt wrong to go for the position, somehow. What if when he got it (because really, Kairi knew there was a 98% chance he would) Mattia hated him even more and then they never made up?

Before Kairi could fall further down into the depths of his own miserable mind, his mom pulled up to the drop off bay.

"Have fun, okay? I'll be back at 9:30am to come pick you up," she said sweetly. Kairi smiled and exited the car with a quick "love you" and a kiss on the cheek.

As his mom drove away and Kairi started making his way to the soccer field, suddenly his clothes felt too tight and hot. This was such a bad idea.

When he saw Ale already over on the field, tying up the laces on his boots, Kairi breathed a large sigh of relief. He hadn't realised he'd been holding his breath. He made his way over to Ale and dropped his bag.

"Hey," Kairi said as he sat down and began to take his sneakers off.

"Morning," Ale said cheekily, his dimples showing at the beginning of a smirk.

Kairi rolled his eyes. "Get that look off your face, man, people are gonna think you're up to something."

"I am up to something," Ale said, his smirk only growing, "and so are you."

Kairi swallowed. "Look, about that—"

His words died in his throat as he saw Mattia slowly stalking onto the field, Mike at his side. Ale followed Kai's line of sight and his smile slowly melted into a frown.

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