Chapter One

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Hinode's POV

I was already at the restaurant. And she came by, 20 minutes later. She walked in the door with two of her friends. She wore a yellow gown and tied her hair in a bun. Her friends waited for her on another table while she walked over to mine.

I smiled, she returned the smile, her cheeks slightly pink, she flushes each time she smiles, its adorable. She pecks my cheek and sits down.

"I'll go get the drinks", i say as i stand up.

"No wait---"she interrupts signalling me to sit down. Her smile disappears almost instantly.

"I think we should break up---", she says as i sit back.

"You've been a great sport. Yunno i only did this as a dare. But now....., i can't continue".

My eyes widened in disbelief...

"With your next date try to be more open...", she added.
Then she walked out of the restaurant with her friends.

. . .

It been two weeks since she broke up. Its been petty rough for me though on her side she seems to be in a cheerful mood each time i see her.
We go to the same school so i get to see he every day. Messed up huh?.

"Hinode", i hear my mom call from the dinning. i sit up on the bed and run my hands through my hair.
In a couple of minutes I'm heading downstairs from breakfast in my school uniform. I still got a missing button. I keep forgetting to fix it up.
I put on my sleveless blue pullover. As soon as I'm done eating, mom drops me off at school.

I walk through the hallway and get settled for the first class. Shira's wearing a new pullover todayand got her hair done (Shira's my ex--, yunno the one I broke up with weeks ago). She'll probably get in trouble for not
using the school' blue pullover. but she doesnt care.

"Hello everyone" mr karma says as he walks in the class.

A girl walked in with him. She's wearing the school's uniform.

"This is kaede", he continued as he got the attendion of eveyone.

"She'll be joining our class from today"." Sit beside hinode", he said pointing at me.

She heads over to her sit. "Be sure to treat her well m hinode",he added.

I didnt quite understand that last line and I didn't want to read any m among into it. Everyone started laughing so i just smiled sheepishly. Aparently some guys where just looking at me, i could'nt tell if they were jealous or something.

Maybe by what mr karma said. the class quiet became and mr karma could start his class.

Kaede sits and smiles at me. I smile back and turn away to meet shira's eye. Then i focused on Mr. karma. I cant fail in his class.
He's like my favourite teacher.

Time went by pretty fast today, i rarely got to see shira and her friends. The final bell went and everyone was leaving the school.
I had to go back to the classroom to get some of my stuff.

I opened the door and kaede was surrounded by shira and her friends.

And yh, i forgot to mention. Shira's the school's queen bee.
Insanely popular and bossy. You might be wondering how I got a chance to date her. Twas a dare anyway.

Guess she was giving the new girl some drills. Their attendtion were turned to me as i walked in. I picked up my bag pack, walked pass them, grabbed kaede's hand and walked out. Shira didn't utter a word. Her friends just stared at her.

"You should probably avoid them", i say as we get to some point in the hallway and let go of her hand. She stopped following me.

I turned and she was about to break down. With teary eyes and her face all flushed. jeezz
She must have gotten it rough. I had to deal with shira loud chewing when i was her boyfriend.
I took her in a hug as she cried on me. "Sorry kaede", i muffled out, " let's get to somewhere better, i can get you icecream."
she nodded.

We were walking back home. And she was licking the icecream i got at a nearby shop. I was glad she's smiling now. Soon we got to her house.

"You stay here?" i asked.


"kay, see ya kaede. be sure to come to school tmorrow'. I said i as i turned to leave.
She held my hand.
She was wearing this serious look now. I could'nt tell what she was gonna say next. I was kinda nervous.

"Please be my friend", she was looking down when she said it. I just smiled and said yes. She lifted her head and hugged me real tight.
Wasnt expecting that. Turns out she's a serious hugger. I managed to put my left arm around her.

"Bye!!" she greeted as she went in.

I waved back and left.

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