10: Camera

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I got out of the shower. I felt relax and relieved that I'm clean. I put on my new clothes and sit down on the couch. No one was around. I go back to the shed, even though I wasn't supposed to, and I work on the machine. It was still daytime and I left the door opened again so the sun can shine through.

I felt a presence behind me. A shadow came on top of me but I didn't mind it. "Y/n, you need to relax. You don't wanna get yourself dirty again," He says in a flirty kind of tone which confused me.

"I said it before, The more I work the faster I leave," I say sharply and more serious.

"You smell good by the way. For the first time." He whispered the last part in more of a teasing tone. I furiously get up and punch his shoulders repeatedly.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I glared at him. He looks down at me and laughs. I blushed and lowered my eyes not keeping contact anymore with him. He lifts my chin to look at him making me blush like crazy.

"Am I making you nervous?" He questions with a smirk. I was too embarrassed to answer. No words would come out of my mouth. He pulls me closer. I start to freak out. Is he going to kiss me? I thought in my head repeatedly.

No, he didn't. Instead, he sniffed behind my ear to smell my scent. I stood there straight up confused.

"It's the best you've ever smelled since I know you."

I was too confused to react. I blushed to realize my position. He cutely giggles and grabs my shoulders turning the machine.

"You can continue now." He says with a smile pushing me forward to the machine. I weirdly continued working. Then Jungkook was gone.

I was tired and needed a break. I was hungry too so I grabbed my camera and walked inside. I got an apple and opened up the camera.

I threw myself onto the couch and looked at old footage which included: Family videos, Friends, and other funny moments. I saw old videos when I was younger and when my parents were still married and another one of when my step sister was born. That was technically 3 years ago at this time.

I even saw more old videos of my brother and my parents. Way back before I was born. My brother, Chris was a good kid when he was younger and now he vapes in the restrooms.

I couldn't help but giggle.

My parents' divorced when I was 2. My mom became sick after. She still is. I just haven't mentioned it. My dad found another woman. My stepmother. She was healthier and slimmer. I was too young to understand everything. Now I realized that my mother just wanted the best of me.

I felt guilty. I shouldn't have been mean to her. I wondered how my mother feels about this. Katie said that people think I'm dead and I can Infer what they would say about mysterious circumstances.

Seeing through these videos again is like seeing BTS videos on your phone are when people ask you "Why are you smiling?" Kind of thing.

This camera is old but it's really good still. I got gifted this a long time ago and ever since I took great care of it. My mom gave it to me. I will always keep it by my side.

I was stunned when Jungkook snatched the camera out of nowhere.

"Hey give it back!" I commanded trying to reach for it but Jungkook would push me away. "How do you record in this thing–oh," Jungkook says as the camera starts recording. I reach for it, my Jungkook put it up far for me to reach. He starts laughing as I start Jumping.

"YOU BRAT— " I say but then I tripped over his foot making us both fall. I fell on top of him. I couldn't hear him groan. I lift myself and message my head before comprehending everything.

"Wow, did I interrupt something?" Jimin says coming in with a smirk. I and Jungkook look at Jimin then at each other. I immediately blushed and got off him. I hugged the camera away from his hand. Jungkook blushed too but didn't say anything about it.

Jimin giggled evilly, "I knew it. You two are dating."

"NO, we're NOT!" We both yelled. "I can't be with him even if I wanted to Jimin," I said sharply. "He isn't good enough for me. He deserves someone better." I added. Jimin shrugs his shoulders closing the fridge.

"If you say so 10000 Iq," He says then leaves. I look at Jungkook who was silent now. He was looking down with a sad look on his face. "Are you okay?" I say calmly.

"Hehe no I'm fine thank you" He laughs nervously. I look at the camera in my hands. Now that it's recording I could take the chance to make this any memory. I turn the camera to him. He gets shy and covers his face.

"W-What are you doing?" He giggles nervously with a nervous smile.

"A memory. So when I go back, I'll always remember this." I say softly. I wanted to be gentle with him now. He looks fragile. It made my heart was beating as I looked at him through the camera. He flustered.

It's funny how he acts like a jerk then turns into a soft boy in no time. It was silent, awkward, and embarrassing now. What do we do?

I made the camera look down trying not to bother him any longer. He'll get used to having camera's on his face. "You'll get used to it. I promised." I smiled. Then, I jumped on him throwing him to the couch with me than making the camera record us.

"Here you can confess anything. Let your thought out on this camera." I say. Jungkook looks down as he thinks of something to say.

"I-I," He tries to say, "I think Taehyung is handsome." He says unsure about it. I had to mention it. "Why did you sound really....doubtful about it."

"Yea, Jungkook say something," Taehyung says from behind us making us jump. How did he get there so fast?

"You just need a new haircut Hyung." Jungkook laughs. "Just watch me be the most handsome man in the world," Jungkook says, I knew their joking but I can feel and see that they're insecure. They're boys. I can't wait for them to see their future.

Yoongi came out and saw Taehyung and Jungkook arguing. He separates the two. "What is this chatting on about? You woke from my sleep." Yoongi says in a deep raspy voice.

Jungkook and Taehyung look at each other. "She's started it!" They both said pointing at me who I was watching the whole thing through the camera. Yoongi turns to me with the devil's eyes. I knew he hated me. And it hurts but soon he'll regret it. Or maybe not.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you working on the stupid machine so you can get out here?" He arched his eyebrow looking down at me. I was hurt by those words. Is he usually like this to people or just me? He may still think I'm crazy.

I sighed, "Fine Fine I'll go work on the machine," I said in a bored voice like I didn't care what he said to me. I stopped recording. I scoffed and left angrily to the shed. I could hear him laugh. I sat down on the floor and crossing my arms. The machine was almost halfway finished.

It isn't perfect but It just needs to work. When I get back I don't even care If it's broken. I'll create a new one and well-created one and maybe a smaller one. Why am I thinking about another one? Look at me. This was a fail and I'll think it'll work. Well, now thinking about it it was already broken.

I sighed and continued working. I hear the door of the shed open behind me but like Yoongi said I needed to leave so I ignored everything even if it was a murderer. Just kill me I want to get out.

I waited for someone to say something but they never said anything. "What do you want?" I said coldly.

"I just wanna talk." I hear from behind me. But I was shocked when I heard his voice. He hasn't talked to me personally.


A/n: Unedited.

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