11: Bias

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"I just wanna talk," Hoseok says behind me.

"Hoseok!?" I said surprised. I turned around setting my stuff down to see the leaning the door with his arms crossed and a normal face. I blushed. He didn't have to do anything to make my face red.

"So...Y/n. I heard you and Jungkook were—"

"We weren't doing anything inappropriate, I promise!" I said immediately in a nervous tone. He giggled. Hearing him giggling boosts up my serotonin. I needed that.

"Caused Jimin told me he caught you two kissing and on top of each other."

I gasped, "JIMIN IS A BIG FAT LAIR!" I yelled and ran out to find him. I see him sitting on the couch. I ran up to him a hit him with a pillow. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He yells blocking all of my hits.

"YOU DISGUSTING POOPY HEAD!" I insulted him while blushing. Hoseok grabs my arms to stop me. The other members in the room were shocked by the sudden appearance "What's wrong with you?"

"Shut up!" I yelled, "You liar! Why did you tell Hoseok that Jungkook and I were kissing when nothing like that ever happened at all!" I pointed at him. Jungkook and so did the other members chocked on their drinks.

"Oh, that." He says casually. "I did that for a bet."

"Well, you can't still do that. I'm a minor. He's a minor. You horny little crap!" I punched his chest. I wasn't strong enough to hurt him. He laughs at me which makes me even angrier. I'm not their little toy to laugh at.

"I'm leaving this place," I say cold glaring at him and going to grab my camera. I soon left their little place and when out to the public. I didn't have money and I was really hungry. I'm not the kind of person who likes to steal but I don't wanna eat their can food.

I could easily ask a woman to help me through but I don't wanna end up in an orphanage. I could steal a few wallets. I wasn't sure about this idea at first but I was hungry.

People on the streets were distracted by their iPhone 5s. I quickly took out some wallets of men. I was surprised I could even do that. My technique was to take it out fast. I only 3 three though good it enough at least they had money. I went behind a building where no one was around and collected everything important and threw the wallets away.

I put the money in my pocket and left the area like nothing ever happened. I felt bad for those people who I stole the wallets from. I acted like I didn't care and left some cheap place to buy food.

I didn't know Korean but I'm pretty sure when they see me they'll speak in English. I didn't go to an actual restaurant instead I went to the store and bought some Korean chips and snacks. I got water and then left. I was eating on the way back and I did get some dirty looks and some worried looks.

1: because I'm eating in public and 2: Am a girl by myself. I did need some screws for my machine so I went inside of a place that had those. I did have a few Wons left so it's good enough.

I left the store with on small bag full of screws and nails. And another with food from the store and my camera. I hear some girls my age talking. They were looking at me with dirty looks. More like they were making fun of me but I didn't care I moved one and walked away but they...followed...me.

I was looking down hearing the girls talk and then one of them pushed me but not too harsh to make me fall just more to get my attention.

"You're alone?" She asked rudely. I slowly nodded my head, yes and I look at the girl in front of me. She had long brown hair and she was taller. They also looked like they were coming from school by their uniforms.

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