Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

When Lyndy and Ty got back to the Ranch, Ty asked Lyndy if he could speak to her privately.
"Of course you can,  let's have a word with Duke first and find out what happened after we left."
"Yeah, that's a good Idea Lyndy, I hope they caught him."
"So do I."
"Duke, are you in here?"
"Sure, am Lyndy."
"Hi Duke, so what happened after we left? Oh, sorry , Amy is going to be fine, and Ty is picking her up tomorrow thankfully ".
"That's great news. Well, the lads caught him, although he got shot twice, leg and shoulder, as it ended in a fire fight. He wasn't coming with us quietly, and thankfully, he was a lousy shot without a scope.  Believe it or not he was the boss JD Werth and Amy was the only one to tie him to being here when he dropped off the bloke you saw, if he got rid of Amy, he got rid of the witness".
"So they have them both now, I wonder how many others they did this to.".
"Well, Detective Harris is going to keep us updated."
"That's great news, Duke. Now, if you'll excuse us, Ty and I need to have a chat. "
"Okay, Lyndy,  see you later, Ty.".

They both walked into the kitchen, and she asked Ty to take a seat while she made coffee.
Lyndy put the drinks down on the table and sat down.
"So, you wanted to talk, I think I know what this may be about, but you go ahead, and I'll listen."
"Thank you Lyndy".
"Well, I'm quite an old-fashioned person, really. It was the way I was raised. As you've probably noticed Amy and I have been getting on really well and I wasn't sure whether to pursue how we were feeling about each other because of who Amy is, 1) She is your Granddaughter and 2) she's one of my bosses, until we we're going to leave the Hospital when she asked to speak to me, then everything changed" .
" How did it change, Ty?"
" Well, I asked what it was she wanted to talk about, and she grabbed my shirt, pulled me down, and kissed me, and I mean a proper kiss 💋. We both felt a connection, and what I'm trying to say is do I have your permission to date Amy. I know she's old enough to make her own decisions, but I feel that I would feel better if you knew. "
"Well thank you Ty for asking me and the answer is No, but I'm only joking, I've seen it between you and wondered if she would make a decision, Amy tends to think things through but takes to long, I suspect her feelings for you confused her because she's never had any feelings for either of the last and only two so called boyfriends she's had. So Yes, you have my permission to Date Amy"
" Thank you, Lyndy, I will take care of her."
"You've already been doing that since you saw her in the tree, and don't forget 10 am tomorrow morning."
"Are you coming to pick her up?"
"No, don't want to play gooseberry, and you two probably have things to talk about."
"Okay, thanks. I'll see you later tomorrow Lyndy, goodnight.".
"Goodnight Ty."

Ty walked into Amy's room fifteen minutes early the next morning and saw Amy sitting in the chair already waiting with her right arm in a sling.
"Well, someone can't wait to get home."
Amy smiled and stood up as Ty approached her, and the first thing she wanted was, of course, a kiss.
She was all booked out and had her meds ready to go.
They both had a good chat on the way back. Ty told Amy about what happened when Duke and the men went after the shooter on the drive back, and he was now in custody. Ty asked Amy out on a date as soon as she felt up to going out. She said she would love to , but would prefer to wait till she didn't have to wear the sling, Amy smiled as they started to drive down the long drive to the Ranch house, as they pulled up outside Lyndy came rushing out the door as usual glad to have her beautiful Granddaughter back home.
They all walked into the house, and Amy was surprised when everyone popped up out of nowhere shouting 'welcome home .'
She was so glad to see all her friends and they all spoke to her , glad that she was okay. They had a lovely time until the last guest left at about 3 pm. Amy was tired and told Ty she was going to lay down and get a couple of hours of sleep.
Ty went out to get some work done, and Duke helped Lyndy clear up.
While they were tidying up, Duke asked about Ty and Amy,  Lyndy brought Duke up to date, even though he asked for her permission even though Amy was old enough to decide for herself. Duke was impressed with Ty because he'd known Amy for twenty years and she was like a niece, he had got to know Ty quite well, he didn't drink excessively and didn't like to get in fights although he knew he could take care of himself, unlike some of the other hands who got drunk and started fights.

Amy came downstairs after a couple of hours of sleep and felt much better.
"So, you and Ty, eh?"
"Yes grandma, he's really nice and I've always liked him, I just wasn't sure, I was having all these feelings just like a young teenager but more intense than when I was with Colt, but Ty didn't seem to show he was interested".
"Oh he was interested but because you were my granddaughter and technically his boss he didn't want to overstep his position because Duke had warned all the hands that you were off limits, Duke said that to them because he cares for you.
But he's got to know Ty, and he told me he's a good, honest, and caring person. "
"I know he is, he's asked me out on a date but I told him I'd like to wait till I get this sling off, would be a little awkward if he took me out for a meal".
They both laughed at the thought of her trying to eat one hand.
"Ty actually came and spoke with me asking me if he could start Dating you and would I give him permission."
"NO, really,"
"Yes, he said he's rather old fashioned, and that was the way he was raised by his parents. He said he knew you were 22 and old enough to make your own decisions, but he still respected me as your guardian and your grandmother. "
"Oh, how sweet is that?"
"I think you've got a good one there Amy".
Amy blushed, which she hadn't actually done for a long time.

To be continued

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