Face bearing sadness,
Mind dreaming ahead,
Shadow being hated,
Dreams being wasted,
Life being mess,
Vision blurring stuff,
Ears hearing noise,
Mouth running out time,
Wish the parasite had never been alive.Hands just hanging,
Feet keep walking,
Health deterioating,
Wish this parasite had never have a face.Dreaming things out loud,
Having an eraser just to erase it out,
Dripping out poision all around,
Who unleashed this parasite on the ground.Seeing deep in mirror i keep wondering,
Why is my shadow a walking venom,
Why am i attached to it,
And why do i always stay with it.Without her i suffer,
To whom my soul is linked as hell,
Like a shade she follows my foot,
Bearing stamps of everyones shoes,
Why is there a parasite following my soul.-zainab fatima
Fantasythe things u imagine, the things u see ... does matters..... it depends on u