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Hello. My name is Emmalie Carter. I'm 19 and currently in uni doing digital design. I have carmel brown hair and soft brown eyes, outlined by large black glasses. I live in a flat by myself, and I desperately need to get my life together. But that's enough about me. For now.


"Emmalie, you need to find a job, or a flat mate for that matter." My mother whispered like I was an injured animal. It extremely pissed me off when she did that. Extremely. Like on a scale of one to satan she was OTP ruined.
"A proper job, not some digital nonsense." My dad obnoxiously added.
My parents didn't think that being a digital artist was a 'proper job'. They thought I was useless and that I was wasting my education on something useless, degree or not. I stared at the beige walls of my parent's living room and sighed. This has become a sore subject lately with my parents, and the main reason I moved out. Their bickering was starting to really annoying me, as it had been going on for hours. I stood up violently, the old wooden chair I was sitting on scratching the hardwood flooring.
"Y'know what? I don't care. I'm going to get a job at somewhere important, like Radio One, or in the media, and you'll have to deal with it. If you don't want me to do 'digital stuff' as a career, go find a different child."
I shouted loudly.
I hastily grabbed my phone and ran out the door. I heard my parents let out a gasp and quite frankly I didn't care. I sprinted to the underground and flew onto the first train home, violently scanning my card along the way. I sat patiently, letting the silence overcome my anger. I would never hear the end of this, and hopefully I never have to. I heard a ding, indicating that it was my stop. My feet hit the pavement and I ran straight up to the white door of my flat. I grasped my keys and tenderly pushed it open. I stepped inside, pushing the door closed. Promptly collapsing on the floor, I waited for some time. The carpet was soft, and my life was a wreck. I just wished there was someone coming to scoop me up and spoon feed me Nutella and mashed bananas. Don't judge, ok? It's my source of power! When I finally had the energy to get up, I ran straight into my room and fell onto the bed. My room was painted plain white, because after all, I was renting it. There were a few poster covering my walls, namely Sherlock, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and a few others. I had a small black-like-my-soul dresser, a TV and gaming console in the corner and a small deep blue chair beside a piano. I was a fangirl, if you hadn't already guessed. I looked up to the ceiling and felt the familiar pull on my stomach, the start of an existential crisis, or as you might call it, borderline depression. Crap. It's basically happens every few weeks when I get extremely stressed out and I contemplate life for hours and hours, often forgetting to eat or do anything useful. I couldn't let this happen now, I had classes tomorrow. I picked up my neon green iPhone 5C and quickly opened Google. I typed in 'productive things to do' and started gingerly scrolling through the results. I tapped the first one I saw that was near me and cringed. A lot. 'ZUMBA CLASSES EVERY WEDNESDAY!!! EVERYONE WELCOME!!!' It stated in large print. Oh joy. I was out of shape and I needed to do something with my life, but was I this desperate? Meeeehhhhh.......... Probably. I tapped register and slowly put in my name and address. God. What am I doing. After I finished, I rolled over and put on my stereo system, which started blaring Muse. I didn't bother to change into pyjamas, but I turned off the light and half heartedly pulled the duvet around me.



Hi, My name is Dan Noall, and I'm 19 years old. I have short brown hair with a bit of a fringe and chocolate brown eyes. I'm in to uni to study film and I have no clue where my life is going. It scares me. A lot. But I survive. Barely. Now, back to the story.


"TRISTAN, WHERE DID YOU PUT THE NUTELLA??" I shouted to my roommate. He strode in, spiked blond hair and all. We had been living together for a year now, neither of us being able to afford university and a flat by ourselves.
"In the living room, where you left it. Honestly, you and your thing for Nutella. Maybe you should marry it." He drawled.
"Well sorryyyyyyyyyy... It's my only source of energy and motivation." I apologised jokingly. He looked up and put on his honest face. He only does this when there's something really important to be said.
"You really need to do something useful with your life, and stop being lazy. Correction, we both do. Between crap food almost every night and not having a job, we need to get our lives together." Tristan stated bluntly.
I knew he was right, despite my protest, so I nodded and pulled out my phone from my black skinny jeans. I did a quick search for something active we could do that wasn't too far away.
Unfortunately, the only thing that matched the criteria was Zumba. Of all things. There had to be something else. Kill me with a butterknife, what even is this. I groaned and looked over to Tristen. Boy, was I going to regret this. A lot.
"Legit, the only thing is Zumba. Starting tomorrow." I back-pedalled a bit, realising how lame it sounded.
"I know, I know, it sucks but we're going to have to deal with it. Before we become 200 pounds and just melt into our couch!" I called out to Tristan, who was making a sandwich.
"BRUH!!!! REALLY WHAT IS THIS!!! I know we're desperate but are we this desperate?" He inquired.
"Unfortunately, yes." I stated as I shoved my phone back, after filling in a quick registration form with much regret. Seriously. So. Much. Regret. Already. I walked out to my room, ignoring Tristan's wails of protest. If we were going to do something useful with life, we might as well do it now. I sat down on my white and black geometric duvet and sighed, looking at my room. The walls were white with a small bookshelf in the corner, containing small nerd shrine on its shelves. I looked back down to the glowing screen of my phone and quickly scrolled through my tumblr dash. I put on Imagine by John Lennon, aka, my depresse-y mood song. People have tried to send my to the doctor, said I had depression, but I always but on a fake smile and said I was fine. To be honest, I wasn't ready for the real world, so I did nothing, day after day. I finally decided on film because the magic of the digital era had always enticed me. It was a hard decision, but in the end, I loved it. I rolled over and slipped under the covers, slowly drifting off to sleep, dreading tomorrow. I would have to overcome my social awkwardness long enough to be useful for once. Oh the struggle. Maybe, I would meet people too! I really wanted more friends, maybe ever more... I trailed off, dismissing the thought. Or not. Probably not.


AN: HEY PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY READ THIS FAR! I STILL CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE ACTUALLY READ THIS !!! BY THE WAY ITS SABINA!!! Happy you did actually read this far. If you liked it, vote. If you didn't like it, vote. Both. Both are good. Anyways, I'm going to update weekly so don't worry about waiting a decade for us to update, ((Khloe and I will switch weeks writing)) so enjoy and spread the word of this fanfic... now go forth to the interwebs my children...
Sabina xx

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