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Mario woke up that morning to the sound of his alarm set for 6am. He quickly got out of bed, washed his face, turned on his music player and started his workout from the app on his phone.

It had been a week since he blocked Jide's number, and social media accounts and during the past week, he had focused more on himself and his career which involved him working on his body hence, his early morning workout. Osas on the other hand had been avoiding him, or so he thought and he didn't know why, considering the fact that Osas said they didn't kiss even though it felt so real. Mario however wasn't ready to have that conversation anymore. Osas was probably trying to prove a point by showing him his girlfriend and he had to respect that.

After a cold shower, he rummaged his fridge looking for leftovers but all he could find was a pack of shortbread and a one liter bottle of Coca-Cola soda that he already drank halfway.
"I really need to leave this hobo life behind" he scoffed as he slammed the fridge door and dashed out of his room in search of food.

He thought about going to the nearby grocery shop to get cooking ingredients but he decided he needed the baby boy treatment after what he went through with Jide the past week so, he went back into his room, changed into a white Calvin Klein shirt and black shorts, and left for Kriswill, a nearby restaurant.
Kriswill was normally jam packed with students who could afford food more expensive than what they sold at the school cafeterias but due to the holidays, he could count the number of people there. "What a great day to be alive" he exhaled as he walked towards the counter to place his order.
He sat at a corner where he was sure no one would notice him, and started scrolling through Instagram when he heard someone talk over him
"This seat taken?"
" no" he replied before he could raise up his head to see Osas sitting opposite him.
"It's been a minute" Osas smiled
"Of course, you've been avoiding me." Mario responded then continued tapping his phone screen
" Avoiding you? What are you talking about?"
" You want to act like you've not been pretending to not see me? Osas please, let's not kid ourselves here"
"I wasn't avoiding you, Mario"
"Is it cause of the other day? The day I woke up in your room..."
"What the... No! What's your problem?! I've been busy."
"Very believable. Considering school isn't in session. But whatever"
The waiter came with Mario's meal and that forced Osas to hold back his response. He quietly stood up and walked away.
In about a minute, he was back with a poly bag that contained a plastic plate of food. He sat back down and looked at Mario who in turn looked back.
"here's what, Mario, I'm going to play soccer much later with some guys. I'd love for you to come along"
"I don't play soccer" Mario replied with a straight face.
"Then come watch me play"
"Because?" This time, Mario's brows were arched
"Because I want to make a point... I'm not avoiding you. I, infact, love your company." Osas winked. "So you're coming yeah?"
"I'll try"
"Lovely" Osas smirked, got up, and walked out of the restaurant.

Mario sat on a bench by the field where he watched Osas play. It was quite a sight. He had never seen Osas like that before. Osas looked more muscular in his sweaty jersey, he had veins running from his thighs down to his ankles, his chest looked even broader and his buttocks, more toned.

The game had only just started about forty minutes ago and during that time frame, Osas had scored three goals and was on his way to score the fourth goal. When he scored the first goal, he blew Mario a kiss. He scored the second goal, he winked at Mario. He scored the third and hit his chest twice before pointing towards Mario, winking. Whenever he made any of those gestures, Mario would blush hard. He didn't even know when he became Osas's personal cheerleader , screaming his name accompanied with a "you can do this!"

The game ended with Osas's team winning and from the side talks in the field, it was the first time Osas was scoring a goal and he didn't even score one. He scored four. Mario immediately considered himself Osas's goodluck charm.

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