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Amazing cover up there by chapfallen!

09 | nine

School the next day was going to hopefully be uneventful but stuff like that never happened for Stacey.

She walked inside and was immediately ambushed by the crowd of cheerleaders that she was supposed to call her friends. They followed her as she walked up the stairs to get to her locker.

"You know that ugly nerd, Scarlett?" one of them said, her red lipstick moving independently from the rest of her face as it was so bold. "Her friend with the bushy hair, the weird one, just said that she's dating Jake."

Stacey faltered as she got to the last step on the stairs.

"Dating?" she said, turning and looked at her 'friends'.

"Yeah," another one said, hand on her hip. "Isn't it so stupid? The nerds are completely taking over."

Stacey gulped and looked away, continuing to walk to her locker. She got there and unlocked it, sorting out her binders as she saw Kim come over from the corner of her eye. The rest of the cheerleaders were talking amongst themselves animatedly and Stacey stared down at the bottom of her locker.

"How come I take years to even get close to dating Axel and some girl just comes up and grabs him in a second?" Stacey asked herself but knew that Kim was listening. "And how the hell does her fucking friend manage to get Jake to date her? I waited years. I accepted that asshole for the horrible shit he was. Because he is. He is the most disgusting and vile guy I have ever met."

Kim looked at her, eyes soft.

"And I say how disgusting and vile he is yet I can't bring myself to say I hate him." Stacey whispered and shut her locker, leaning against the back of it.

Kim leaned her shoulder on the locker beside Stacey's.

"Because you think you still love him," she said.

Stacey let out a humourless laugh. "For the first time saying that I love him makes me feel like an idiot. It makes me feel weak and pathetic. Here I am, being upset over how much I supposedly love him while he's over there kissing the girl he loves."

Stacey took a deep breath.

"And it's not me," she said.

"So what do you do now?" Kim asked and Stacey looked over at the group of cheerleaders.

Stacey didn't even have real friends. Her only friend was Kim. She had fake people that only cared about her because she was sleeping with half the football team.

Scarlett had friends, a whole group of weirdo's that accepted her for the way she was. She had a boyfriend that actually gave a shit and a popularity scale that was hitting the roof.

Stacey bit her lip and closed her eyes briefly before opening them back up and looking at Kim.

"I have to do what I've always done," Stacey said. "I have to do what's expected of me. I can't let people down. And...And people expect to see a bitchy, psychopathic slutty ex-fuck buddy go after Axel's lover. People expect me to be the bad guy."

Kim continued to look at Stacey, her face guarded but on the inside she was worried and sad at how her friend was turning out to be and at what her love towards a boy who didn't love her back was doing.

Stacey turned to Kim with a smirk but both of them knew just how shattered Stacey was on the inside. "So I'm going to give everyone a show that they won't forget."

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