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14 | fourteen

"Mine or yours?" Scottie asked Stacey as they got into his beat up old car. It was a small red thing that they could both only just fit in.


Stacey thought for a moment then remembered that her mom was going to be home today. Stacey didn't think that she had the heart to sit with her for a few hours before her dad came back and not say something about her...affair.

She knew that she was just running from the inevitable but putting it off for as long as possible didn't seem like such a bad idea.

"Yours," she said and Scottie nodded with a small smile, pulling out of the school parking lot.


Stacey stepped out of the shower, the entire room steamed up from the heat. Her wet hair was matted against her back and the smell of tomato and the sticky residue it left behind had finally left her body.

She grabbed the large, dark blue towel that sat on the countertop and wrapped it around her body. She pulled the towel down her long, blonde hair and wiped a hand over the mirror so she could see her reflection.

She picked up the ends of her hair that fell down her back, reaching just past her chest, and had an idea.


Scottie was sat on his bed when Stacey came wandering back in, the large towel wrapped around her body.

Scottie glanced at her, gulped, and then looked away.

"Um, my jeans are fine but my shirt is a little ruined," Stacey gave him an awkward smile. "I don't want to intrude or anything but uh, could I maybe borrow a shirt? Just until I get home."

Scottie nodded and jumped up, walking over to his chest of drawers. He shifted through his shirts and grabbed one of his dark gray ones. He turned around and held it out for her.

Stacey grinned and grabbed the shirt before slipping out the door again.

Scottie let out a long breath and sat down on his bed, wondering how the hell he was supposed to get through the day when there was an image of Stacey in only a towel imprinted in his head.

"What would you say if I cut my hair?" Stacey asked as she walked back into the room, jeans on and Scottie's shirt over the top.

She wasn't wearing a bra.

"Cut your hair?" Scottie raised an eyebrow. "Man, you're really full of surprises today."

Stacey narrowed her eyes on him and sat down beside him on the bed. "I'm serious. What if I cut my hair? Shoulder length? Or like one of those cool bobs?"

"Short hair, huh?" Scottie mused. "It could suit you. Why do you want the change?"

"I don't know...kind of sick of the long hair thing."

Scottie nodded in understanding and stood up from the bed. "Wanna watch a movie?"

Stacey gave him a small smile. "You don't mind me hanging around?"

"Parents won't be home for a few hours." Scottie shrugged. "And I like having you around."

"You do?" Stacey frowned.

"Yeah." Scottie repeated her frown. "Of course I do."

Scottie walked out of the room, expecting Stacey to follow immediately and she did after a few moments, coming to terms with the fact that he was the first person to want her to stick around.

Scottie walked out of the room, expecting Stacey to follow immediately and she did after a few moments, coming to terms with the fact that he was the first person to want her to stick around

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