Chapter 9

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***Welcome to the P90-X of book endings. I try to cram too much information into ten chapters, and y'all are just along for the ride LOL

Readers of "I Never Knew" will recognize a lot of the action/drama in this chapter, at least for Zane's POV. They might also recognize the song choice ;) If you want to know more about what happens between Jay and Nya in this chapter, refer to "I Never Knew" chapter 20. Beware, though: That chapter is DRAMA CENTRAL.

There's only one chapter and an epilogue left for this book. As you can imagine, the epilogue is going to be pretty important to this story line, just like in "At Second Sight" (if you're just here for the PIXane, you have no idea what I'm talking about XD).

Last thing: This chapter does contain important spoilers for "I Never Knew" if you haven't read that book. Just thought I'd let ya know <3***

***(Zane's POV)***

***Music Cue***

"Wake up!" someone screams. "You have to get up. He's going to hurt her!"

I allow my eyes to drift open and take in my surroundings. I'm in the monastery bunkroom. Cole was the only one in here, last I checked.

Why is Jay so upset?

He climbs up the side of my bunkbed, shaking me by the shoulders. "Get up, Zane!"

"What's wrong?" Cole asks groggily, stumbling out of bed.

"It's Lloyd," Jay cries. "He's drunk and angry, and he wanted to talk with Nya, but he was getting really riled up, so I stepped in, and then he tried to shoot us with his powers, and..." He throws his hands in the air. "Just follow me. Please!" He all but runs out of the bunkroom.

Cole tackles him to the ground. "Slow down, Jay. I didn't understand much of what you said, but it sounds like Lloyd is drunk, right? And he's aggressive right now?"

"Yes," Jay wails.

"Then you need to keep a cool head around him, Jay. We can't make him any more angry, or somebody could end up hurt."

Jay wiggles out from under Cole. "Fine, but we need to get out there now! Nya's with him!" Jay rushes away.

"Wait – Nya's with him?" Cole slaps his forehead and follows hot on Jay's heels.

I am not entirely sure what's going on – I'm still processing the news that I'm an android and that my father is dead – but I know there's an issue. I run after Jay, who seems to be leading us to the patio.

He mentioned Lloyd being drunk, correct? But...didn't Lloyd promise himself not to drink underaged? Why the sudden change of heart?

Jay throws open the door. "Get away from her, Lloyd," he says bravely.

Nya, only a few feet away from Lloyd, slowly looks toward us. She takes small steps back until she's closest to the rest of the team

Lloyd laughs at Jay's words, and his voice comes out slurred. "Funny. I could say the same about you."

Cole gently moves toward Lloyd, holding his hands out to pacify him. "Maybe we should all call it a night and talk about this in the morning. I know I always feel – "

Lloyd grunts, forming a huge ball of green energy between his hands. He launches it right at Cole.

I gasp, grabbing him by the arms and pulling him backwards with me. The blast collides with the monastery next to us. not the Lloyd my team and I know.

He is very broken, just like I was hours earlier.

"Are you crazy?" Cole scoffs. "You could've killed me!"

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