The Beginning.

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As you slowly opened your eyes you felt a sudden shudder beneath you, making you quickly jump to your feet and started feeling the walls around you.

A box, I'm in a box. You thought to yourself.

You grilled onto the cage like walls as the box started to move. A unexpected wave of panic washed over you.

Who am I? What's my name? Where's my family?

Just as you were realising that you couldn't remember anything two names popped into your head, Thomas and Teresa.

Where am I going, who is Thomas and Teresa?

Suddenly, you felt light headed, all these questions without answers the memory loss it was all to much. You looked up and saw that the box that you were in was hurdling towards the top. The box came to a stop just before hitting the top, for a moment you were in the air but soon enough you crashed back down onto the hard cold floor beneath you, before you knew what had happened you had hit you head on the floor and hot liquid started seeping down the side of your face. You had already accepted your fate, you were going to die in a cold dirty, dusty box. Just as you thought it was the end light started spilling in through the top of the box

Maybe this isn't the end, you thought.

A gap had fully formed at the top of the box and you quickly covered your eyes because of the brightness spilling over your face. Just as your eyes adjusted to the light you saw lots of teenage boys staring down at you, but quickly noticed that there was one girl. You started to feel a bit curious.

Why is there so many boys and one girl? You thought.

"Thomas, Teresa?" You questioned.

All eyes quickly turned to the girl and a boy next to her which you assumed was Thomas and Teresa. The girl had beautiful black hair that was down to her shoulders, she also had icy blue eyes. The boy however had brown hair that looked a bit matted. He also had blue eyes, even more icy than Teresa's. Everyone was quiet for a moment but then everybody started talking to each other.

"Who's she?"

"Damn I call dibs"

"No way man she's mine!"

"She's nobody's alright you ugly shanks!" A boy yelled.

All the commotion suddenly stopped. You started searching the crowd the boy that had yelled at the other boys as you suddenly met his gaze. Straight of the bat you noticed that he had fluffy sandy blonde hair and had deep brown eyes that look so eye catching. Before you knew what you had done you had climbed out of the box and starting running at astonishing speed, you noticed that you were surrounded by humongous stone walls and noticed that the all has an opening in the middle. As you looked behind you saw that there was an Asian boy with very buff arms running behind you. When you turned your head around you saw that you were almost at the opening in between the wall. Just before you made it through the opening someone grabbed your shoulder.

The boy behind me, you thought.

He quickly pulled you to the ground and climbed on top of you. You struggled under his grip but he has far to strong so you just stopped fighting to get out. As you turned your head to the side you saw all the boys running towards you, but your eyes met Thomas's first. He stopped dead in his tracks and then he turned around and started walking towards the girl who you assumed was Teresa.

You turned your head back around to the boy on top of you who started grinning.

"Names Minho greenie" he stated in a confident voice.

You rolled your eyes and said "I would shake your hand Minho but you seem quite happy holding it"

"I like this one Newt" Minho happily yelled.

You moved your head to see over Minho's shoulder and saw the boy with sandy blonde hair and deep brown eyes.

"So that's your name then? Newt" you said looking directly into Newt's eyes.

Newt slowly walked over to Minho and motioned to him to get off of you. Minho did as he was told and got off of you, just as he did you sat straight up and looked at Newt.

"So your a fast learner then greenie eh?" Newt replied.

"Maybe" you said, confidently.

You had noticed that you have a lot of confidence. And you also assumed that you were pretty since the boys eyes all around you never left your face, or even your figure.

"How about I give you a tour then greenie" Newt questioned holding out his hand to pull you up.

"Sure thing, but first where are we?" You asked.

"Blah blah blah save the questions for the tour greenbeen" you heard someone say.

Minho quickly shot the boy who has just spoke a death glare.

"Just take my hand" Newt stated.

"Alright then" you said as he pulled you up from the ground.

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