An encounter with death

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The car was coming straight towards me,moving at a very high speed,my mind was completely frozen I couldn't respond to the shouts and yells from pedestrians.the car got closer to me and I thought well this is it Mike,youve had a good time on earth,i never even got to kiss at least one girl.t he car now lit me up with its head lights and was about to hit me.Everything was in slow motion,the panicked faces of the people on the streets,the guy next to the hot dog stand stuffing his face with.....well hotdog and the old woman walking her cat down the street.then suddenly I saw a blur coming straight at me from the right and then someone's body slammed right into me knocking the wind straight out of my guts,i hit my head on the pavement and a white light exploded before my eyes just before I blacked out.

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