Magic my foot!!!

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I woke up from my forced "nap"with a terrible headache,i would like to take just one swing at the fool flashing a touch in my eyes,i groped blindly around until I grabbed the touch"you know next time when someone just regains consciousness maybe u should try not blinding him/her  with a torch"I said savagely, "sorry "I heard someone mumble then the torch went off,i opened my eyes slowly my head pounding like a runner's heart after a marathon.i looked around me to find about 13 people staring at me curiously,i slowly got to my feet with help of some guys behind me"where is the guy who saved me?"I asked while holding my temples with both hands,"he's crazy,whaddaya expect the kid just hit his head on concrete,oh yeah maybe he's gon' mad"people whispered to eachother until a man stepped out of the crowd and said"listen kid no one saved ya,you jas' flew oura the air and landed on this here pavement"."maybe he's got magic powers mummy",a little girl said to her mum,"no no no someone ran into me from the side when I was on the road,i didn't fly or magically levitate"I said firmly.the man came towards me and put his hand on my shoulder,"look kid I know you probably feelin like hell right now,so imma suggest ya just go home and put a big ol ice bag on your head cause ain't nobody see anybody savin ya".I decided to just take his advice so I said"ok" and walked in the opposite direction,as I looked back I noticed they were all staring at me strangely like I they were waiting for me to pull a bunny out of a hat or something,but I ignored them and kept walking,but they're was one thing I couldn't ignore though and that was the fact I knew I wasn't crazy,someone had saved me and nothing anyone says about that can ever change my mind

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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