Chapter 1

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xxxxxxxxxx Hi guys! I'm (now) disney_nerd101. This is my first story (yay). I'm super excited to be posting my stories and fanfics on here, I have so many ideas! I'm looking forward to write this story, and I have no idea how long this will end up being. I guess we can ride this roller coaster together! xxxxxxxxxx

•my age is between 0 and 100
•I love love LOVE reading, fanfictions, Kingdom Keepers, Harry Potter, and a bunch of other super nerdy stuff like Star Wars and Pokemon
•I am such a nerd. Like literally. You can't get any more nerdy than me.
•I love music. Like as in I love singing, playing piano, flute, and ukelele. Making music is one of my passions. I don't sing in the shower, though. I perform in the shower.

Please comment, tell me what you think, and I am open to any suggestions. Enjoy!

Now, on with the story...

Time seems to slow to where it would take a hundred years for a second to pass. At the same time, thoughts bolt through my head at the speed of light. Each step I take, my feet feel as if they were made of led. Tell me again why I can't turn invisible and vanish? Oh no. My friends noticed him too. I hope that the monstrous, heavy sound of my rapid heart beat drowns out there giggling. It doesn't. Feeling the familiar heat coming to my face, I look down so that he might not notice. But then again, I probably look like the reddest tomato on the planet. I continue walking, looking at my feet as if they were the most interesting, intriguing thing in the world, praying that he wouldn't notice or see me. My prayers are cut short as I hear the now only slightly British tinted voice that I could never forget.

"Hey, Isa"

My heart stopped. I was surprised that I hadn't passed out yet. Well, no promises that the situation would stay that way. I manage to tear my eyes (not without effort) from the ground, force myself to look up into those gold-speckled, emerald eyes, and mutter a small, almost inaudible "hi." We passed each other, our shoulders slightly brushing due to the crowded space, sending goose bumps in a wave (more like a tsunami) through my body. I released the breath I hadn't even known I was holding as we went our separate ways.

Alyssa Rose Bernerd. Most people call her Lyss. Brown eyes, glasses, and dark hair. Extraordinary, as in extra, EXTRA ordinary. There's nothing special about that girl. That is girl is not athletic. Unless you count speed reading as a sport. At the age of thirteen, she isn't model pretty like her best girlfriend Elizabeth, who could basically get any guy in the palm of her hand with only the wink of an eye, and she definitely isn't naturally beautiful like her friend Anna. Not many guys would have any feelings for this girl, or even acknowledge her. I mean, who would want to date the class pet? Not that she was even allowed to date. But, a girl can still dream, right? Now, who has the misfortune to be that girl? Well...

That girl is me.

So, who was that guy who I passed in the hallway of Clarity Academy? That was my long time best friend, Jaiden. My British, dirty blonde haired, now three-inches-taller-than-me best friend. We've been best friends since third grade, ever since he stood up for me when the other kids were making fun of my too-big glasses. Although most everybody calls me Lyss, Jaiden never liked that nickname. Instead, he started calling me "Isa," pronounced ee-sa. As for him, I call him Jay. But now, for a while actually, just saying his name gives me butterflies in my stomach and brings a bright blush to my cheeks I've pretty much gotten used to. Even though I always deny having feelings for Jaiden, if the question is brought up, I think it's pretty obvious I do, and I guess I'm not good at lying either. My friends always tease me when we pass in the hallways, so I always hope that Jaiden won't think something is up. He always knows when something is wrong with me, and I love that about him. Most of the time. Times like this, I hope that he is totally oblivious to the color that comes to my face every time we cross paths.

I guess I do have a crush on him...maybe. Ok, I have a major crush on Jaiden. But, it's not like he would ever like me. Seriously, I'm no perfect-body-perfect-face cheerleader like my closest girlfriend Elizabeth, or beautiful and sweet and caring like my friend Anna. I'm just Alyssa. Socially awkward, forever nerdy Alyssa. Sometimes I dream about Jaiden giving me a bouquet of flowers on my birthday, or a big box of chocolates for Valentines Day. I know it will never happen though, but it's ok to dream a little, right? For now, I guess it's ok being just friends. It's a little depressing sometimes though, wanting something you can't have. Then again, that is a pretty foolish thing to do.

"Lyss, you planning on being late to science or what?"

"Sorry, coming, Liz!"

Wow, that was pretty short. I promise (maybe) that the next chapters will be longer!

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