Chapter 2

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xxxxxxxxxx Hi, it's disney_nerd101 again! Aghhhhhhh I have so much planned out but it takes soooo much time to write!!! Maybe we can just skip to the best parts? Oh well, I'll just have to be patient. Tell me what you think and enjoy! xxxxxxxxxx

Longest. Day. Of school. Ever. We had like three, correction, three THOUSAND tests today. Eighth grade. Ugh. I get good grades, but that does NOT mean I love school, like everyone thinks I do. I could just lie down here in the hallway and take a forever nap. Forever. The sun mockingly shined a little too brightly in my eyes as Elizabeth, Anna, and I stepped out the double doors of school and into the clear-ish air of Orlando, Florida. The wind roughly tousled my hair, making it look like a mess (as usual). However, as I struggle to tame the wild nest on my head, Elizabeth and Anna's hair seemed unaffected by the strong breeze, one of the many traits I am jealous of them for. As we travel down the walkway, Elizabeth punched me (not so gently) in the arm and badly tried to hide a smirk as someone lightly put their hands over my eyes from behind.

"Guess who."



Of course I knew who it was. I was only trying to give my face time to cool down from the heat of my fiery cheeks. It wasn't working.



"Oh my G, stranger danger!"

"It's me!"

I turned around and looked up (which I just started having to do this year) at the same face that always got me flustered and a babbling mess. I hated him for that. I hated how he was the only one who can stir up emotions in me like this, and so quickly at that. I hated how his name alone was enough to bring a bright color to my cheeks. I hated him for his growing good looks, his slowly but surely building muscles and his piercing gold and emerald eyes. But, of course, I loved him for that. Correction: liked. Before I had time to register anything, I felt his strong embrace hold me firmly against his tall frame.

"Hey Isa."

"Hi, Jay," I managed to squeak out past his death grip on my small body. When did he get so strong? "Jay, your killing me." Seriously, he was going to squeeze me to death. To my surprise and dismay, Jaiden only tightened his hold on me. "JAY!" Right when I thought I was going to die of suffocation, Jaiden lifted me effortlessly onto his shoulder, leaving me pounding my small fists against his back and flailing my feet. "Jay, put me down!"

"Isa, stop struggling or we're gonna-"

We both toppled onto the ground, laughing hysterically. We caught nearby people's attention, but of course, we didn't care for their glares at our previous antics. As we attempted to regain out breath, Jaiden stood up and offered me a hand. I gladly accepted and he pulled me gently to my feet. After finishing the last remains of out laughing fit, I punched him in the arm.

"That was your fault, Jaiden."

"If you had quit wiggling around we wouldn't have fallen, I-sa," Jaiden rebutted, putting emphasis on each syllable of my nickname.

"Whatever, Jay," I responded as I began to walk away.

"Hey, wait up, Isa!"

"Well, Jay, since it was MY fault, it's clear that you don't want to be around me anymore," I said with mocking confidence.

"Oh c'mon, Isa." I kept my pace as he jogged lightly to catch up. "Ok fine, I'm sorry, Isa."

"I don't believe you." Jaiden suddenly jumped in front of me and knelt down on one knee, making my heart flutter a little. He bore his eyes into mine, and whole heartedly said,

"Alyssa Rose Bernerd, I am sincerely sorry for being an idiot and not complying to your commands. Will you do me the honor of accepting my apology?"

"Hmmm...I guess I can forgive you this one time," I responded with my head held high.

"Now then m'lady," he said, making me nearly swoon by letting his British heritage fully come out, one of a few rare moments that I absolutely adored, "allow me the privilege to accompany you on your journey home." Jaiden held out his hand and bowed.

"Permission granted," I replied while taking his hand." Gosh, my hands are so much smaller than his. We skipped along the sidewalk happily, laughing the whole way until we finally stopped a few blocks down. We were both breathing heavily when I realized our hands were still intertwined. Jaiden seemed to notice too, and we both quickly released each other's hand. I blushed and looked away while he coughed awkwardly. Jaiden and I began to walk at a normal pace toward my house, now a few feet away from each other.

"So, Isa..... "

"Jay...remember in third grade when we became friends?"

"When I told them to stop making fun of you? 'Course I do. One of the best moments of my life." I blushed.

"Thanks for that, Jay."

"Anything for you, babe," he said while winking with over exaggeration.

"Shut up," I replied as I pushed him away. It was then I realized we had reached my house. Jaiden's house was about a block from mine. I usually biked to his house and vise versa.

"Well, we're at your house now, Isa."

"Guess so...I'll see you tomorrow, Jay. Stay out of trouble....and out of the cookie jar," I warned mockingly with a smirk.

"No promises," Jaiden replied. He pulled me into a hug, gentler than before. I don't know what the feeling was every time we hugged. It just felt...right I guess. After a few seconds we pulled away and I started up the pathway to my front door.

"Bye, Jay."

"Bye, Isa." He smiled that perfect grin that seemed to win my heart over and over again. As I opened the door, I looked back, to see that he was also looking back at me. He waved one last goodbye and headed down toward the direction of his house.

I closed the door behind me and grinned to myself. As I set my glasses on the kitchen counter, his smiling face flashed through my mind. Ugh, tonight is going to be another painfully sweet night of dreaming about the relationship we will never have.

Told you it would be longer :) -disney_nerd101

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