💜 ~Tell Me U Luv Me~ 💜

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"You suck at dancing, you know that?"

You rolled your eyes and started walking in the other direction.

"What's wrong? Afraid I'm right?" Quinton stepped in front of you, blocking your path.

"Nope, just afraid I'm gonna knock your teeth out on accident," I gave him a sarcastic smirk. Quinton Griggs had to be the most annoying TikToker you had ever met. Everytime you two would see each other at parties or get togethers, he was always up your ass about something.

Oh your skirt is too short, no one wants to see that.

Ew, is that y/n?

Yo y/n, your TikToks are trash.

What's that shortcake? Sorry, I can't hear you from all the way up here!

God you wanted to punch him in his annoyingly beautiful face. Everyone was always shipping you together, but honestly you couldn't see it. I mean, sure he's hot, but you two couldn't even be in the same room without tearing each other to shreds.

Now, here at the Hype House, he was still bothering you.

"Quinton, there's a party going on, can you just leave me alone," you rolled your eyes.

"Mmm," he stroked his chin, "nah."

"Ugh," you groaned and just walked away, I can't deal with this right now.

At some point during the night, you started wondering around, looking for the bathroom. The Hype House was so big that you had no idea where anything was. Once you saw a door that looked like the bathroom, you entered, but it ended up being someone's room (which had a bathroom in it). You had to go so bad that you just went in the person's bathroom. Once finished, you washed your hands and walked out.

Just my fuckin' luck, you groaned. Quinton was in the room, looking for something.

"What are you doing?" you asked, causing Quinton to jump.

"Geez, you scared me," he put his hand over his heart. The music from the party was so loud we could hear it from where we were. "What are you doing here?"

"I had to pee," you shrugged. "I couldn't find the bathroom."

"So you went in someone's room?"

"Says the guy who's digging through someone's things," you snapped back. Just as Quinton opened his mouth to answer, you both heard a click. Your eyes immediently shifting to the door, the realization hit. "Someone just locked the door..."

You both started to panic and ran towards the door, pounding on it.

"Shit," Quinton whispered under his breath, running his fingers through his hair and tugging at the roots. It was kind of hot actually-

"Call someone," you said, kind of forcefully.

"I can't my phone's in the car," Quinton leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor. "You call."

"I can't, left mine in my clutch... in the living room," you groaned, sitting down on the bed.

"That's just great," Quinton snapped.

"Hey, don't blame me," you growled. "It's your fault, you forgot your phone!"

"You didn't have your phone either," he shot back. After a moment of silence, you stood up and spoke up, "this is stupid. We are sixteen year old influencers who act like we're five. We can't keep fighting like this."

Quinton watched you with steady eyes.

"Look, I know you hate me-"

"Is that what you think?" Quinton stood up too, taking a swift step towards you. "That I hate you?"

Your breath caught in your throat because he was so close. Has he always had those freckles?

"Yeah," you breathed.

"Well, I don't."

He was even closer now.

"Actually, it's the opposite. So far opposite, it's not even funny," he let out a humorless laugh and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What does that mean?" you looked up at him, forcing his eyes to look down at yours. He gulped and you saw his adam's apple bob. The sexual tension was so thick that the both of you just stood there staring at each other.

In one swift motion, Quinton bent down and pressed his lips to yours. At first you were frozen (in shock), but soon enough you melted into his touch. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he gripped your waist, closing the space between you two. We could still here the music from party because it was so loud. Tell Me U Luv Me by Juice WRLD and Trippie Red.

Backing up to the bed and laying you down on it, Quinton was on top of you, the kiss not breaking. Just as things were about to go father you heard: "Quinton! Where are you? Y/n! Hello? Anyone there!"

You two jumped apart and Quinton shouted back, "in here!"

He gave you one last look before getting up off the bed and pounding on the door, "we're stuck in here! Let us out!"

The doorknob jiggled and Nick opened the door.

"There you guys are," Nick said.

You were still in complete, utter shock at what just happened.

"Someone locked us in here man," Quinton laughed (only you picked up on the hint of nervousness in his laugh).

"Damn, I'm sorry man," Nick laughed and they did a bro handshake.

"Thanks for letting us out," Quinton smiled and Nick headed back down the hallway, towards the party. You and Quinton locked eyes and you gave him a small smile. He gave you one back and then left.

What the hell...?!

~•Quinton Griggs•~ [Imagines + Preferences]Where stories live. Discover now