Chapter One

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I groaned again as I got pushed into the lockers again while I was trying to pass through a crowd. Already, there were people squealing, shouting, fighting, bitching, gossiping and making out in the hallways of the most boring building called school. I leaned against the lockers with my head down as I stared at the floor, watching the busy shoes kicking and stepping on one another while they made their way through. My semi-long dark, straight hair comes foward as I tilt my head down, hiding me from the world. I loosened my grey hoodie that said "Look at Me," to feel more comfortable before crossing my arms.

I crossed my legs as they came closer and started staring at my black trackies instead. My hold tightened as I heard a very loud yell around my small, plain, brown backpack that was big enough to fit a water bottle, an extra T-Shirt, a pair of baggy knee-lengthed shorts, a pair of sunnies, my tiny wallet and my iPod. I sigh in frustration when they don't leave and by their sports shoes I knew they had to be either football players or play any sport that involves running on the grass.

I can smell sweat and heat as one of them almost leaned against me as if I didn't exist, causing me to suffocate and hold my breath. I exhaled with relief as one of his mates grabbed him before he completely flattened me and pushed him to the floor. I stared after them as the guy that pushed the person on the floor fled to the end of the hallway with a yelp and the guy on the floor scrambled after him while cursing some words. They both had jerseys on with the school colors red and white. Yep, definitely football players except they were missing their pads and helmets. Probably were left in their sports locker.

When they turned around the corner, I let out another sigh and continued the rest of my way to the opposite side, heading towards the arts department. The thing that is different about Malyesta Whole High School is that each student is to be studied in an specific area and section of the school. Malyesta Whole lets each student fall into any of the four departments. They include Sport, Academic, Arts and Family Education.

As I pass the door to a hallway which is completely covered in windows from each side, I saw the entrance as I turned my head slightly to the left to a oval shaped, faded bricked building that I know leads to the gym. It wasn't very tall though like the school's main building. It only had two floors and a few huge class rooms. I've only go to the gym though. This  construction was also known as the Sports Department. 

The Sports Department helps you get better..well, in sports. The most important classes include General Physical Education, Physical Education Studies, Life Skills, Health Education and then you have a class in a particular sport which you excel at. 

General Physical Education, also known as PE is what everyone has to do in the school except they have more classes. They do every sport that involves from kicking to biceps. The Sports Department make them train harder so they could not just be good at one sport, but also at every other sport that also helps them be more balanced in their thinking about sport and body.

Physical Education Studies is a bit like human biology except they teach you which muscles and bones help you do each sport or movement. Their Health Education classes are also a bit more precised and detailed as the students who studied in the Sports Department usually long to be sport coaches or Physical Education teachers when they graduate. So technically, Health Education is just a general name for all the different topics they have for each class. For example, they have one class called Drugs and Alcohol and another called First Aid or Emergency or something like that. How does someone like me know? Let's just say the students in the sports department never stop talking. Ever. And last of all, Life Skills is a sad subject which apparently everyone hates that happens once a week and is to help you become aware of other people and be fair. 

The crowds and amount of people around me become smaller and smaller as I entered the Arts Department to the left side. The Arts Department is also splitted into even smaller sections. They have the next biggest construction other then the main building. They were connected though by the passage I just went through which I remotely named the Windows Passage. What? You can't blame me for that weird name; there were windows everywhere!

I loved that passage though. You could see the school so much better and as well as the city. It had the best view ever. I always wondered what it would look like at night to see from there. I'd never know though - no one is allowed to be in here during night at school except for the boarders in the Boarding House or you're a teacher.

The Arts Department had a number of nine floors which everyone thought beside a few like me, that it was too extreme. Well, each floor did have its own subject. It was a good idea that the school made it that way. We had three floors underground excluding the basement, the lowest floor, that were all taken by the Production Arts Unit. They can also be called Level One and Level Two. The floors include two dark room, classrooms for subjects like Media, Filming, Photography, a room that comprises backgrounds for photography or filming, storage area and special computor rooms.

The Basement or the lowest floor is known as the Auditoriom. This floor has a large room that can be made into a small concert hall by simply pushing a big red button. The Auditoriom is mainly used for rehearsals, music recitals, small performances, fashion catwalks; although Fashion classes are from the Family Education department, and drama and dance exams.

Level Three includes two doorways that leads to different corridors and is one of the oldest-looking area of the huge school. The two doors both lead to a hallway consisting many music rooms except one are for music teachers to give instrumental or singing lessons and another that freely allowes students to practice in for whatever purpose. The music rooms are tiny though and in the summer can get extremely hot. It's a good thing the school's rich as most music rooms also consisted of an upright piano, a CD -player and a fan. There's also a tiny room that is like a mini library that contains multiple music books for different instruments, style, genre, voice and period.

I pass through the entrance of Level Four, the ground floor to turn left again, the opposite way from Stanley Hall which led to a door with a sign that read "Stairs". This floor was the biggest in the building. Stanley Hall could fit hundreds of people and looks very modern with colours like silver, navy blue, faded red, gold and rich white. Behind Stanley Hall were small changerooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms and storage areas for props, music stands, chairs and other essential things for the stage. There was also a huge room that connects an entrance right next to the opening doors of Stanley Hall to the back of the stage for students to enter for a performance or show.

I went up the stairs passing another plain white door that leads to Level Five, also known as the Drama Floor. I started puffing even though I only needed to pass two floors as I kept turning right in each corner. The stairs is a tiny space that goes round and round and go up by turning right. Even though my body should be fit and my legs should be strong, they seem to feel like they were going to fall of as I enter Level Six to the Dance Floor. Like Level Three, both Drama and Dance Floor had two doors that led to different corridors. The student section was much smaller though and only had three medium sized rooms. The teaching classes in the dance floor also had two section. We too like the sport students had to learn about our bodies and usage of each muscle or bone when we do a certain movement. It was called Dance Body Studies. It was also the most boring thing ever.

I just like to dance. My heart quickened as I push the door to enter the student section and started looking through small circular windows on each door for each dance practice room. As I headed to the direction to check if the third room was available I started hearing music that made my body want to escape and move. I can feel my mind brainstorming all these different movements I could use for the tune and I can feel my walk bob up and down in time with the beat of the song.

Furrowing my eyebrows and pushing my side fringe backwards, I controlled my body and made my way to the door. But what I saw through the circular window on the faded, rusty blue door made my jaw literally drop to the ground.

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