Chapter Two

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The room was foggy. The lights weren't turned on. The only reason why the room was slightly dim was because of the sun coming through the edges of the curtains on each window. It was a huge room. The floor was just like a usual dance practice room; wooden, slick, smooth and flat. There were mirrors on every wall except the one with windows. 

However, standing in the middle, was a guy. I couldn't see his face though. He had his back on me. I could barely see anything as well so all I could make out were his dance movements and his body. I peered behind me and looked around the hall to make sure no one was watching me. While I was watching him.

Taking a breath because I knew this was wrong, I looked back. I couldn't help myself. I need to see what this guy can do with this amazing rap music that was perfect for any hip hop dancing. I saw his head slowly move up. And then he danced.

I watched his incredible body move with the music. He was a natural. I put my right hand on the door and leaned forward. When he danced into the light, I could see he was wearing baggy black pants with a white singlet. I watched as he moved his muscular arms, as they move with his legs.

His back looked amazing.

Suddenly he did moves that I never seen before. I closed my mouth without realizing that I opened it. He'd body roll, flip, spin, dance on the floor and each move and each step he did, was incredible. Perfect doesn't even cut it. 

I watched the muscles on body when his moves needed to stretch them or use them. Can anyone have a better body then him? Sometimes when he raised his arms up, I was sure I could get a glimpse on a six pack. I couldn't be sure though. I could make out he has dark hair. When his face slightly turns to the side, I could make out beautiful eyes, straight nose, angular face, maybe even kissable lips...

With that sudden thought, I quickly turned around. What the hell was I doing? I furrowed my eyebrows. I was watching someone? I was stalking them? I never did that. Ever. I grabbed my face with both of my hands. Without thinking, I slammed my body on the door.

Crap as I heard loud footsteps coming towards the door. Without looking back I ran straight to the next room regardless of whose in there. I pushed my way through and slammed the door. My heart tripling its usual beats per second. I peered through the door window to make sure if he was coming out of that room. No one. The hallway was empty.

I put my hands in my face again as I started walking. I exhaled with relief that I almost forgotten that I ran right into a room. Or should I say, a room that had all its lights on, indicating that someone could be using this room. I gulped and closed my eyes. Could my life get any more embarassing. I turned around, hold my hands up as if I surrender and took a tiny breath.

"Look," I started to say as I open my eyes. "I-I am so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay," A deep male voice answered me. My eyes were wide open now. Standing in front of me was a tall, blonde-haired guy. My eyes immediatly scanned up and down his body. He looked around my age and had his hands on his hips. You could tell straight away he had a fun but cocky character and that girls would fall easily for guys like him. I looked right into his blue eyes as they stare into me, trying to figure me out. He was also wearing nothing except black baggy pants. 

Which means he's topless. With a six pack. Since when did the dance department have hot dancing guys?

He smirked at me though, regardless of his handsome face, he looked like one of those cocky jerks. I need to leave. Now. Before something bad happens.

"Look," I said again, pointing to the door with my right hand. "I'm really sorry for intruding into your, uh, practice room but I was um, um, I needed to go somewhere and I uh, accidentally ran into your room so uh-" His smirk went wider. C'mon make something up!

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