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Charles grimaced as his father lit a cigar. His father was exactly the type of man you would expect to smoke cigars. Arrogant, self centered, complete with a hideous curly mustache.

Unfortunately however, despite Charles' inability to see why, his father was a well respected man in the city of Southampton. Poor or rich, celebrity or beggar, you knew Henry Dickson. In fact, the Dickson Family in general was well known and well respected. And Despite his best efforts, Charles could never seem to outlive that name.

You may be wondering...what's so bad about being rich and well known? And to that Charles would simply answer: Everything. For starters, everywhere he went, people felt the need to introduce themselves.

"Hello! I'm Mary Adams from 2nd Street!"

"Greetings Mr. Dickson, I'm Walter Harris from the Library."

"How are you today? My name is Emily Courier! I saw you at the festival last week."

Not only was this extremely annoying, but it was also extremely exhausting. Did all of these people really expect him to remember and interact with them? He's only a simple boy after all, not an accountant. And for people to simply assume that he remembers everyone he meets and/or doesn't meet is just absurd.

Another bothersome thing is the fact that people automatically assume that because you have money you are happy. I'm sorry my friends, but money does not buy happiness and this is simply a sad but true fact.

Charles' thoughts were interrupted by his father's voice.

"Well? What do you think? How does a trip on "The Grandest Ship in the World" sound?"

Charles thought about the question for a moment. Of course, his first response would be "I'm sorry father...but who the actual fuck cares about a big ass boat?!" but of course that answer would only upset his father. And an upset Henry Dickson was in no form pleasant to deal with.

Charles plastered on a fake smile and nodded.

"Of course father, that sounds delightful!"

This was going to be a dreadful trip. His father, their servants, and a whole lot of useless luggage.


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