Part 6~Tight Throat

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Jumping to the side, Izuku rolled out the way of a knife. Stein had agreed to help train him but he never agreed to be nice while doing so. Stein charged forward, landing a kick against Izuku's chest. He tumbled off to the side, hitting against the wall painfully.

"You keep leaving your front open," Stein started to lecture but froze when spotting Izuku's body shaking painfully. The small boy brought out a cloth and tried to get his lungs back under control. "Hey, you alright?"

"Just- cough- fine." Izuku slumped against the bricks, still breathing harshly. "Pathetic, isn't it?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Why do people instantly think that something is wrong just because I can't breathe?!" Izuku sighed, pulling his legs close to his chest and rubbing the burn. "It's not like I can't breathe most of the time."

Stein watched him curiously, this boy was far from normal but this was a new layer to that.

"I'm fine now, we should continue." Izuku pushed himself off the wall, stumbling a little when his feet refused to work.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, let's go again." Izuku got into a fight stance as he threw a knife at Stein. Of course Stein jumped to the side but Izuku pulled the knife back and was able to hit him with the handle. Stein seemed to be happy by Izuku's improvement but wasn't about to give up.

They stayed fighting for hours. Until the sun was down and the normal villains were out. They were breathing heavily- though Izuku was struggling more than Stein- and they finally decided to call it to end. Izuku collapsed on his back, staring up at the stars while Stein sat back on some of the boxes left behind in the alleyway.

"We should find somewhere better to practise, this place is too dirty." Stein looked startled by the sudden statement, but Izuku didn't care. "I mean, look at this place, half of it is garbage."

"Well, I wasn't planning on staying here. I was only meant to do a quick job but you and your friend decided to barge in on my life."

"Wait, so you still have someone you need to kill?"

"Of course, there are always more fake heroes that need to be purged. The infection only gets larger every day."

Izuku hummed in agreement, pushing himself off from the ground. "I suppose that is why we chose to kill off the young ones. That way we are destroying the eggs before they have the chance to become snakes. So, who you got to kill. I might be able to find them for you."

"I doubt it, he is hard to get away from the crowds. His name is Native and he is selfish, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Cause Charlie is interning with him. We picked him out of a hat, I suppose with our luck he would be a fake one." Izuku smirked a little before pulling out his phone and pressing a button. "Hey, Charlie. Want to have some fun?"

Charlie smirked as she hovered her fingers over her hero's forehead. She lightly pressed down, receiving an agonised scream from Native. "Yep, it's working!"

Stein watched the two, leaving them to see what they got. Charlie took one of Izuku's blades, smirking as she shone the silver in the street light. She pointed it at Native, barely pricking him with the tip.

"Why are you doing this?" Native tried to move his limbs, tried to get away, but he couldn't.

"Oh, that's obvious! Because you are a fake hero! I felt it the second I met you and when my friends suggested we have some fun, I couldn't say no." Charlie flicked her wrist up, cutting into Native's cheek.

Izuku walked forward, pulling out his own knife. "We're going to make an example out of you, just like we did with Mineta." Izuku cut across Native's chest, dipping his fingers into the blood and smearing it across Native's forehead.

Every touch was torture for the hero. Charlie walked off, going to her back in order to get some chains. Izuku continued to slash across Native's chest and arms but was forced to stop when someone kicked his jaw. He went spinning off to the other side, Iida standing in front of Native. He stared down at Izuku, horror in his face.

"It's you! You're the one who killed Bakugo and Mineta. Kaminari was right." Iida's eyes shifted to look at Stein who had stepped out of the darkness. "You've joined up with him! He killed Tensei! I am Tenya Iida! I will kill you both for them all!" Iida ran forward, kicking Izuku in the chest. 'Not again.'

Stein swiftly ran forward, stabbing Iida and throwing him to the side. He brought the blade up and licked across the blood, paralysing Iida instantly. "You alright kid?"

Izuku groaned, the coughs having burnt his throat. "Never better."

Stein pulled out his sword before driving it back into Iida's shoulder, the teen let out a scream but Stein didn't care. "You should get something to stop that."

"What are you suggesting?"

"Maybe a blood proof vest could work."

"Yeah, then I can't breathe at all. Trust me, I've tried it." Izuku pulled himself up from the ground, walking over and looking down on the girl. "Suppose I should put my mask on. Don't want someone else to recognise me." Izuku pulled out the mask Charlie made him. It was a black inky kind of mask. It covered his eyes and swirled around his face. Honestly, it annoyed Izuku and mostly got in the way but Charlie insisted and Izuku did not want to deal with an angry Charlie. "He's pretty stupid. Coming in here when we've already taken out a hero. Did he really think he could beat us?"

"Clearly he did. Maybe we should make him an example too, that's what your friend would say. Where is she?"

Looking around, Izuku sighed upon seeing Charlie hiding behind a box with her phone out. "Recording us. As usual." Izuku yelped when he felt himself being dragged away by the collar. Fire swirled around Iida, Todoroki coming onto the scene.

"Well, that is annoying." Izuku brought his hand out, dragging a pencil with him.

"Don't you dare!" Charlie dashed forward, kicking Izuku in the jaw. Izuku wanted to scream at her, but she stood in front of Todoroki- that same stupid fire in her eyes. Charlie swirled Todoroki's loose flames around her and sent them out.

Izuku rolled to the side growling under his breath. "Is that how this is going to be? Fine, so be it." Izuku threw one of his knives at Charlie who jumped to the side. Of course she hadn't been watching Izuku train so she wasn't prepared for when Izuku called back the blade and stabbed her in the shoulder. Todoroki sent out ice at Izuku but it was stopped by Stein.

Native was groaning, movement returning to his limbs.

"Shit." Running forward, Izuku stabbed Native- receiving a scream of shock from both Todoroki and Iida. Izuku ran to Stein's side, sighing. "Hope you don't mind me taking out the trash."

"Come on, or we won't get out at all."

Izuku smiled, throwing out three of his knives. Charlie and Todoroki jumped to the side, moving to stop the attacks. Todoroki sent out ice to freeze over the villains, Charlie pulled gravity down to stop them escaping but Izuku summoned one of his knives back, breaking her concentration and letting himself and Stein jump away.

Charlie defrosted the ice and sent floods of water out, hitting Izuku straight in the face. Stein ran forward to attack Charlie but Todoroki stopped it from landing. Stein jumped to the side, cutting across Todoroki's cheek, but Todoroki used the moment to freeze up Stein's blade and up his body. Izuku swore under his breath, bringing the paper up again.

"I said no you don't!" Charlie used her Quirk to send Izuku into the wall, accidentally knocking his mask ever-so-slightly from his face.

The sound of heroes screaming caught Izuku's attention. "I'm sorry Stein." Jumping up, he scaled the building and watched as Todoroki realised that the third blade Izuku threw stuck out of Iida's skull. 

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