Chapter 1; A hopeful start.

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Narrator's POV - A third persons POV, so you won't be Eliana or Draco.

Eliana's POV - Pretty self explanatory, you will be seeing/talking in Eliana/Your POV.

Draco's POV- Also self explanatory, you will be seeing/talking from Draco's POV.

(Enter Name)'s POV- Another characters POV.

Eliana's POV

It was a cold night at Hogwarts, I was sitting in the library doing some homework as I had fallen behind in my studies. Although I was very distracted, not by something but someone. I have had the biggest crush on this boy in my year for as long as I can remember, he had icy white hair with the most beautiful grey eyes. I could honestly stare at him all day. 'WOAH ELIANA GETTING AHEAD OF YOURSELF THERE' I broke out of my deep thought and pulled myself together, I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was already 9 pm. I decided that was enough studying for the day so I grabbed my things and started walking through the halls to the common room.

I was about to turn a corner but someone grabbed my wrist, I must have had a terrified look on my face cause whoever grabbed me brushed their finger against my jaw. "Kurt? What are you doing out of the common room? It's already 9 pm." You recognised that voice, Draco Malfoy. He had always been extra nice to you but you weren't sure why, you'd seen him being rude to almost everyone expect for you?

Draco's POV

I saw Eliana Kurt walking back to the common room by herself, I'd always had this fascination with her and I wasn't sure why. She looked so innocent standing in front of me, like she was scared I would yell at her. "Sorry Malfoy, I didn't know I needed your permission to leave my room" She said confidently, but I could see straight through her confidence, I knew that she was trying to act big and bold to impress me or something. I rolled my eyes "Right.. Well I'm glad I bumped into you, I need to ask you something"

Eliana's POV

Your heart beat quickly picked up, Was he going to ask you to be his girlfriend? 'No Eliana stop being stupid, you've only talked a few times' Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard him speak again "So do you want to sit with my friends and I at lunch tomorrow?" You stared at him shocked, he NEVER asks people to sit with him, whats so special about you? You remembered that you should probably reply to him "I-uh sure Malfoy, why not" You tried to hide the nervous tone in your voice with confidence but you didn't fool him "Cool, I'll see you tomorrow then" He said as he walked off. You followed behind him slowly since you were going to the same place, or so you thought.

You got to the common room but didn't see Draco 'Hmm, maybe he's already in his room' You decided its not your business and went to your room where your roommate was waiting for you "For gods sakes Ellie! I thought Harry managed to seduce you or something" She said with a slight smirk, you couldn't deny that you thought Harry was cute, you guys had been talking for a couple of weeks and he's started flirting with you. "Oh shut up Daphne!" You said while jumping onto your bed "What is your lover boy a touchy subject" You knew she was just joking with you but threw a pillow at her anyway "HEY!" We started giggling and having a pillow fight when pug face came in.

"Can you MORONS be quiet? Some people are trying to get their beauty sleep" She narrowed her eyes at us. "Yeah well obviously you need it" Daphne said under her breath which caused you to burst out laughing "I'm a Parkinson you know, I could tell my boyfriend to get Dumbledore to expel you" She said looking smug "Pansy darling, I hate to break it to you but Malfoy doesn't love you and he never will" Daphne walked up to her and pushed her out of the room. You honestly found her kind of scary but glad that you have her as a friend, "That was really something Daph" You looked at her and saw her zoned out "Did I look scary?" She said looking up and you giggling "Terrifying honestly" You guys talked for a bit before going to sleep.

Sorry for the short part but I really hope you guys like this story so far! Please comment and let me know :) -Eden

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