Part 12

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After they all had dinner ziggy took both true and khloe home and they all went to bed it was now 5.30am and ziggys phone wasn't ringing she woke up and grabbed it before it could wake khloe up she answer it without looking

Ziggy hello

Megan come pick me up for the airport now I land in 20 mins

Ziggy Megan it 5.30am why didn't you order a driver

Megan because I have a sister who can drive now get up and pick me up I have a niece to meet

Ziggy fine I will se you there

Ziggy hung up her phone and went to get out of bed but khloe held onto her tighter

Khloe mmm where are you going baby

Ziggy Megan call I have to go pick her up now

Khloe mmm

She let go of Ziggy who gave her a kiss and grabs her self a pair of shorts and hoodie and chucked them in before grabbing her phone and heading down to grab her car keys she then jumps in her car and drives to the airport she get to baggage claim just as Megan gets there

Megan hey little sis how are you how the girls

Ziggy am good there good now that fuck found out true was mine and tried to kill her cops got him before I could but khloe made me promise not to do anything because her and true need me

Megan well they do and now he's gone and you guys are happy as just glad it's all sorted now

Ziggy well it's nearly sorted we are going on Ellen later today to tell people because we know he won't keep his mouth shut so we want to get ahead of it before he makes up a load of crap about what really happened all those years ago

Megan well grab my bags and take us to the car so you can tell me everything because all you told me was you and khloe wasn't close anymore you never told me the whole truth I knew there was more to it I should of pushed you to tell me

Ziggy nodded her head and grabbed Megan's bags and they made there way out to ziggys car once there she put the bags in the trunk and opened the door for her sister before jumping in her self and setting off back to the house on the way she told Megan everything that happened from the pics of kylie and how she made a deal with him to keep kylie and Kendall safe and how she put locks on there doors and left notes for them how she looked after them over the years to how her and khloe met in London and slept together about the promise she made khloe there how things changed when khloe found out about true but neither thought about getting the test done she told her how khloe rang her panicking  about true needing blood and how true was her daughter and then she told her how her and khloe are together now and that there going on Ellen tomorrow to tell the world the whole true about everything

Megan sat and listen and was so shocked but she knew how much khloe meant to her sister so she knew she would do anything to keep khloe a sisters safe she also now understood where her littles sisters anger was coming from

Megan wow well that's a lot you could of come to me I would of tried to help anyway I could even if it was just for you to talk to someone

Ziggy I couldn't risk kylie and Kendall it would of broken khloe so much you know how they feel about each other I still got to see true once a week so she know who I am we'll sort of know we just going to let her start calling me mama on her own so she don't get confused to much

Megan well I can't wait to meet her and see khloe I haven't seen her in a few years now

Ziggy nodded her head and pulled up into Starbucks drive thru and grabbed a coffee for her khloe and Megan and she also order a bowl of apple oatmeal for true once got there coffee she set of back to her house and pulls up into the drive ways five mins later she tells Megan to leave her bags and she will grab them in a bit and they head off into the house Ziggy heads to the kitchen and places there coffees and trues oatmeal down before turning to Megan

Ziggy am going to go see if there up and if not I will get khloe up the doctors says true would sleep a lot for a few days because of the transfusion we had to give her so we to let her sleep to get her energy back

Megan nodded her head and Ziggy went up to check on her girls she checked true first and saw her standing in her cot

True zig zig zig

True giggles as Ziggy walks dove rand picked her up

Ziggy good morning my little princess want to see if mummy's awake

True snuggled her head into ziggys neck as Ziggy walked I to her bedroom to see khloe asleep holding Ziggy pillow in her arms she walked over and sat at the side of khloe with a now asleep true in her arms she ran her hand up and down khloe a back

Ziggy babygirl wake up

Khloe mmm zig what time is it

Ziggy it's just after 7am baby Megan is down in the kitchen I grabbed us some coffee and true some apple oatmeal from Starbucks it's down it the kitchen

Khloe ok baby I will be down in a second I see she gone back to sleep

Ziggy yea she was up and as soon as she was in my arms and her head in my neck she was out cold again

Khloe yea she always seems to fall right back to sleep with her head in you neck

Ziggy she not the only one princess you do too now get that sexy ass of yours up before Megan makes her way up here

Khloe nods and gets up giving Ziggy a kiss before heading into the bathroom to freshen up and put on some of ziggys  boxers and t shirt before heading down to the kitchen to see Megan once there she spots Ziggy with a sleeping true in her arm and coffee in her other hand

Khloe morning guy it good to see you Megan

Megan it's good to see you too khloe how are you holding up

Khloe am getting the Ziggy been looking after us both

Megan nodded her head and gave khloe a hug before they all sat down and drank there coffees and talked for a bit before true started to wake up as did they all heard her say something that shocked them all

True da da da

Ziggy looked at khloe with wide eyes who was looking the same khloe looked at true

Khloe da da not her baby

True looked to khloe and then turned to Ziggy and put her little hands on her face before speaking again

True da da da

That shocked them more she was calling Ziggy da da khloe a eyes started to water as she spoke to true

Khloe yes that dada baby

True giggles and starts to pat ziggys face with her little ands shouting dada at ziggy and giggle OMG Megan watched on as her little sister melts at her daughter as she could see the tears running down her sisters face and how happy she is to finally have the family she wanted

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