Burning Desires ( (Y) L&D x Ezami | (Y) FIAC x Silver) Pt. 1

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Author's Notes: I just want to make things a little clear for this specific series type. This is a Yandere series so whenever you see (Y) it represents Yandere....obviously. If you haven't guessed already, it's Yandere Ben & Yandere Wade x Wattpad Writer Ezami (EzamiKnight) from Light & Dark | Yandere Ryan & Yandere Ace x Wattpad Writer Silver (EmoWolfy666) from FURst is a Curse. (Please don't hate me for this guys I'm sorry if I made this XD) I was going to wait for KitaSakamaki for my request to make this but after making the first one-shot, I thought I couldn't miss this opportunity. Plus I can make the one-shot way longer and actually elaborate on any means necessary so I hope you enjoy it. One more to add, this is an AU of the two stories mashed together so hopefully, I can do this with other stories and I will get their permission to write them cause I don't want any hate when it comes to random ships or characters turning fucking yandere or their victims XD. Also if you haven't read their stories, get the fuck out and read them bitch. It's hella good.

~No One's POV~

In the depths of Mikisoru High's locker room, Silver sat struggling to open his locker. To his despair, it wasn't going to open any time soon by the looks of it. "Stupid combo! Why isn't it working! AGH!" Silver kicked his door not caring the attraction he brought to the other boys that meant little to him. "Heh, locker did you wrong?" His friend stood next to him.

Ezami has been there for him a long time you see. Ever since elementary school, Silver found himself into deep troubles with some kids who'd never learn to keep their mouths shut about his sexuality. Silver had always known the attraction that led him to paradise but others disagreed thinking he'd try and flirt with them. Typical homophobes not understanding the meaning of "STANDARDS BITCH!"


One day, Silver was left in class packing up with no other students nor the teacher was around. The bullies that brought him hell were back and it wasn't to really to any of his surprises. He'd learn to accept his fate but was ready to run out so he wouldn't end up the hospital. You see, he hates snitching, although he was hurt, he was very hesitant about the pain of others rather than himself. His care of others never faded no matter how bad they treated him.

"Awww look, it's the fairy boy heheheh." The two other boys behind him let out a small chuckle. "You gonna make small talk or are you going to get on with it...You bore me already." Silver spoke softly. "You're really asking for it aren't you kid?" The leader spoke sarcastically. "Eh, it's a habit. So come on, you're going to tease me more, or do I need to do it for you." Silver formed a small smile on his face. The boys were disgusted and had enough of his sweet talk. Silver didn't bother and had himself pinned to the wall already with the boys surrounded him with no means of escape. "You're going to regret that you know..." The leader emphasized but nothing Silver took to heart. He had the strength to take any pain and knew a few punches meant nothing to him. "Go ahead, I dare you." He roughly spoke out. "You little!"  Though Silver can handle it, it was still hard to not flinch, he didn't want to come home with a swollen eye hole.

He stood waiting for that final hit, but nothing happened. He opened one eye rather slowly up with the boys nowhere in sight. "W-what...?" He questioned but no one stood in front. His ears perked at the sounds of grunts to his left. He turned quickly to see a strange hooded boy though small peaks of black hair peeked out of it as he saw only the back of him. Two of the boys were struggling to get up but his feet planted strongly ontop with the leader pinned towards the dresser with small amounts of blood leaking out of his nose.

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