Hell hills

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I felt tears threatening to spill over. I have to be strong to cope with this... I have to, I need to.

"Honey it's okay" Melissa said

I wanted to say thank you but I know my voice would break, so I just nodded and smiled.

"Scott why don't you take her and show her around" Melissa said

The boy nodded. Ohh that's his name. To be honest I would totally date him if it weren't for the whole relative thing.

Scott smiled at me " uh yea sure follow me... Jessica?" He said

I laughed "Jasmine" I said to him

"Right" he answered

He walked me upstairs. I had to force myself to stop looking at his butt (god I'm a such a creep)

"Well this is my room" he pointed to a medium sized room "and my parents rooms are over there" he pointed to another bedroom.

"And your room is over there" he pointed to a the same size room as his and the color wall purple.

"I painted your room ahead of time" he said
Wow, I have a nice big brother. Wait he knew I was coming ahead of time?

"I actually like the color purple thank you" I said

" Oh really cool?!" I thought you would hate it" he said relieved
I laughed

"Hey listen I have friends coming over, if you don't Mine you can meet them?" He said
I got nervous instantly, I mean im not socially awkward it's just i get nervous if I mess up.

"Umm yea sure" I said

"Great! Their coming at 6:00 pm, soo" he checks his watch "we have about 2 hours to unpack" he says

" Then what are we waiting for?" I said pretending to be excited.

We ran downstairs and got my suitcases and headed back upstairs. As soon as I walked in my room I organized where I wanted everything. I folded my clothes and hanged my clothes in my gigantic closet, while Scott put my L.E.D hanging lights on my headboard and did the heavy lifting. Their was my gigantic 4 ton platform for my tv and Scott carried it like it was a piece of paper!

"All done" I said
Looking back at my room I was suprised it still looked big. I checked the time and it was 5: 40 pm. Great! Time to get ready I huffed.

"Is something wrong?" Scott asked

"Just nervous" I said

"Don't worry their not like that" Scott said.I know he was referring to his friends

" I meant everything" I said sadly

"You'll get through this, I promise and I'll help" he said and gave me a warm, reassuring smile.

"Thank you brother " I said while smiling

"No problem, sister" he said "buttt if you sleep talk or sleep walk I'm not promising i won't post it on YouTube or Twitter" he said while having a huge smirk plastered on his face

I laughed "yea ok" I rolled my eyes, he gave me a wink and left.

I put on my lace-hem tank top, skinny jeans, and my black boots. I looked myself over and agreed to my outfit. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, put on some lotion and eyeliner with a hint of mascara and I was ready. I heard the doorbell ring and instantly my hands became clammy and sweaty "gosh I hate that" I said to myself.

I heard footsteps then more footsteps and finally they lead all the way to Scott's room. I heard a mature , sexy voice...... I'm sure as hell not going in their, I will look like a fool! Gosh I'm a wimp. Someone knocked on my door making me jump.

"Jasmine their here" Scott's familiar voice came from the door.

"Okay be right there" I said
I took a big breath looked my self through the mirror and smiled, I am not gonna be their awkward and immature, I will walk in their proud and confident! (Yeah that's my pep talk😏). I walked out of the room my hips swaying side to side and walked in Scott's room..... I WANTED TO DIE! They don't look like teenage boys they look like a god mixed with gods. As soon as I walked in, all eyes were on me. Some gave me shocked eyes and some lustful eyes, instantly I became embarrassed and shy so of course I blushed to a bright pink.

"Guys, this is Jasmine, my sister"

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